Dealing with a Problem Volunteer A&WMA Sections & Chapters Leadership Training Academy
Dealing with a problem volunteer Did we recruit well? ▫Passion for the organization ▫Bring an added value to the organization ▫Persons who will be on their best behavior ▫“People skills” ▫Team players ▫Persons who understand, respect, and fulfill their respective roles Did this person receive an adequate onboarding”? Is there an agenda – with times Is the Chair dealing with the problem member(s)?
Dealing with a problem volunteer argumentativeness bullying rudeness talking too much not coming to meetings generally showing lack of interest
Bylaws Bylaws should include standards of conduct for the board and term limits, Board member duties and expectations.
Dealing with problem volunteers Take a deep breath. The chief complaints for most volunteers, generally fall into one of two categories ▫Not feeling listened to ▫Not feeling appreciated So, listen and ask, apologize if needed Be straight
How to Fire A Volunteer Re-Assign Re-Train Re-Vitalize Refer Retire