C N H | K E Y C L U B | Updated by: Member Relations Committee California-Nevada-Hawaii District | Key Club International August 2013 Presented by: CNH Strengthening Bonds with Kiwanis
Training Topic: Strengthening Bonds with Kiwanis CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | The first step to strengthening your club’s relationship to your Kiwanis Sponsor is knowing why it’s important Your Kiwanis Sponsor is here to give you: Club strength Kiwanis understands how to start and run a club Kiwanians have job experience to share, stories to tell, and abilities to stand as a chaperone Financial Aid If capable, Kiwanis can help you pay for convention costs (DCON, ICON) Step 1: Why is it important?
Training Topic: Strengthening Bonds with Kiwanis CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Your Kiwanis Sponsor is here to give you (cont.) : Assistance with transportation Kiwanis may be more willing to offer rides to and from projects if they know the Key Clubbers Network beyond college Kiwanians serve as mentors with their various backgrounds Free food! Kiwanis meetings give you a chance to develop social skills and eat great food! Many clubs hold their meetings during breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Training Topic: Strengthening Bonds with Kiwanis CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | The second step is to find out who your sponsoring Kiwanis Knowing who your sponsoring Kiwanis Club is is an important factor to running a successful club Find out by: Going to the Kiwanis website and using the Club Locator Asking your Lt. Governor Step 2: Know your Sponsoring Kiwanis Club
Training Topic: Strengthening Bonds with Kiwanis CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | The third step is to build relationships with your sponsoring Kiwanis club Take the time to understand the importance of a healthy relationship with Kiwanis Attend Kiwanis meetings and DCMs Kiwanis meetings are a great chance to get to know your Kiwanis Pay attention during meetings, you might have more in common with Kiwanians than you thought Step 3: Connect with Kiwanis
Training Topic: Strengthening Bonds with Kiwanis CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Service opportunities Serving alongside Kiwanis during projects gives you the chance to get to know them It also leads to additional projects in the future! Finding chaperones for future events Finding chaperones can be difficult, but not when you’re asking Kiwanis! Kiwanians love to spend time with their Key Clubbers Our safety is their main concern
Training Topic: Strengthening Bonds with Kiwanis CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Invite Kiwanis to your meetings Out sponsoring Kiwanis clubs want to know how they can help Let them by inviting them to meetings This way both clubs can work together Co-sponsoring projects One of the best ways to form bonds is working together for one goal Bonds are bound to be made, and the result is twice as great!
Training Topic: Strengthening Bonds with Kiwanis CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Questions? Comments? Concerns?