Overview - Social care for older and disabled people Gordon Deuchars Age UK London 12 June 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview - Social care for older and disabled people Gordon Deuchars Age UK London 12 June 2012

Care in the Past Before the National Health Service: Voluntary and Family Care, “Poor Law” 1948: National Health Service (NHS) is set up: Health care from the NHS is free “Social care” (long term care) from local Councils is means tested Social care is different from place to place

Changes in Care for Older and Disabled People 1950s – Care was mostly given in care homes or other institutions. Now – most people who get care live at home. 1950s – most care was done by the Council. Now – most care is done by businesses or charities. Many people pay for care. But Councils still pay for care for many people.

Making Care Suit the Person Disabled people and older people demanded care that gave them what they wanted In the end the Government listened!

Independent Living Fund (ILF) The ILF started in It provides money for direct payments to disabled people. People use it to pay for care from an agency, or to employ a Personal Assistant. The ILF was closed for new applicants in It will end completely in 2015.

Improving the Life Chances of Disabled People – 2005 A new Government policy “disabled people in Britain should have full opportunities and choices to improve their quality of life and will be respected and included as equal members of society” The changes included Helping disabled people to achieve independent living by moving to individual budgets for disabled people

Independent Living Strategy – 2008

Self directed support and personalisation Self directed support means helping you choose the support you most need. You can get a direct payment to buy the support you want. You can also have a personal budget without having to handle the money yourself. You have a personal support plan. Lots of disabled people have personal assistants not carers.

Care in Crisis Social Care is very short of money and the Government has cut spending. The number of older people is growing. Councils have cut back on their care provision. 800,000 older people who need care get no support from the state. People are having to pay higher charges for support. Services for disabled people are being cut too.

What now? The Government wants to make more changes to the care system. In 2011 an official committee called the Dilnot Commission wrote a report on how to improve funding for care. The Government say they are thinking about it. But while they think, the problems get worse. Older people’s groups and disabled people’s groups are campaigning for a better care system.

What do you think? And thank you for listening! Tel