Graphs Webquest Incorporating Math and Science Jennifer Del-Castillo John F. Kennedy Middle School
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Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it. Your team will continue this tradition and select the city in the United States with the best weather to talk about. Introduction
Your first group task will be to define "best weather." Then you will select five possible cities and collect data from weather websites about their weather. You will use this information to select the "best weather" city and present your conclusions in poster format. Task
The Weather Channel: Yahoo Weather Center: USA Today Climate Guides: wusaclim.htmhttp:// wusaclim.htm Resources
1.Discuss and come up with a group definition of "best weather." 2. Using a map, select five possible cities that might have the "best weather." 3. Go to various online weather and city sites to obtain data about monthly high and low temperatures and rainfall for each city. 4. Represent this data in tables and graphs. 5. Decide as a group, based on the data, what is the "best weather city." 6. Present your conclusions in poster format. Process
Conclusion In this activity, you will use the internet as a data source for a problem solving activity. You will be connecting real-world weather data to analysis and representation. You will use your reasoning skills to reach a conclusion based on the data, and will communicate your conclusions in poster format. In this activity, you will use the internet as a data source for a problem solving activity. You will be connecting real-world weather data to analysis and representation. You will use your reasoning skills to reach a conclusion based on the data, and will communicate your conclusions in poster format.
What city did you decide had the “best weather”???
Great Job!!!