The Kubicki Arcades this monumental structure was built in according to a design by classicist architect Jakub Kubicki The Royal Castle in Warsaw – The Museum Marketing and Sales Department, tel (22) , 323,
Luckily the Kubicki Arcades survived World War II. They were renovated in the years according to Stanisław Fiszer’s design and opened to the general public on April The place was adapt for public purposes. Our unique venue is the perfect location for any fabulous event. The Royal Castle in Warsaw – The Museum Marketing and Sales Department, tel (22) , 323,
We organize many diverse celebrations and meetings: state and diplomatic ceremonies, scientific conferences, concerts, lectures, jubilee gala assemblies, receptions, fashion shows. The Royal Castle in Warsaw – The Museum Marketing and Sales Department, tel (22) , 323,
Technical details Floor space ~ 1600 m² Lenght ~ 192 m Width ~ 8 m Height ~ 5,95 m Numbers of Arcades Size of one Arcade ~ 100 m² size of one recess ~ 29 m² place for curtain The Royal Castle in Warsaw – The Museum Marketing and Sales Department, tel (22) , 323,
CocktailBuffetSeated dinnerConference or concert up to 1200 people up to 800 peopledepend on the event You can plan your prestige event in many different ways. Capacities The Royal Castle in Warsaw – The Museum Marketing and Sales Department, tel (22) , 323,
Contact details The Kubicki Arcades Royal Castle in Warsaw (entrance from Grodzka Street) For futher information please contact us: Marketing and Sales Department Lesław Krzewski - tel Paweł Gutt - tel Marta Smolińska - tel The Royal Castle in Warsaw – The Museum Marketing and Sales Department, tel (22) , 323,