Class will start at the top of the hour! Please turn the volume up on your computer speakers to access the audio feature of this seminar. WELCOME TO CE101 Introduction to Early Childhood Education Unit 1 WELCOME TO CE101 Introduction to Early Childhood Education Unit 1
Audio and Text Check I am aware that many of you are new to online learning and to using computers, so before we get started… lets conduct a quick audio check. If you can’t hear me, please confirm that the volume on your speakers are on and if you have external speakers confirm that they are plugged in. If you can’t hear me, please try logging out and back in. This often fixes the problem. If you can’t type into the text box, please try the f11 key. If this does not work – please call Tech Support at Please write this number down for later retrieval.
Welcome to Our FIRST Seminar Unit 1 This week we will: get to know each other. preview the class syllabus. preview various career opportunities. share current career goals. review the Syllabus. identify strategies for successful online learning. Are you ready to begin?
Syllabus for CE 101 Course Number: CE 101 Course Title: Introduction to Early Childhood Education If you forget the times for seminar, then please check out your syllabus and/or course announcements.
My Information Instructor Name: Verlinda Ruble Credentials: M.A. (Note: working towards PH. D.) Instructor Contact Information: Kaplan Address: AIM Instant Messenger Name: Verlindanruble Google Instant Messanger: Instant Message Office hours: Available by appointment. Add your photo here
Time to Share! Throughout this course, many discussion opportunities will occur where you will be responding to other people's opinions and comments and because of this, it is important that we get to know each other first. So it’s your turn…Please take this opportunity to tell us where you are from and to share something about yourself. Jump in! Many students life to share Facebook names, please feel free to share those on the introduce yourself board in class. Please also note that our department has a FB page too. There is a link to it posted as an announcement in class.
Kaplan Student Orientation By now you should have completed the Kaplan Student Orientation. This orientation can be found on your Kaplan KU Campus page under My Classes "Current Courses" KU160. It will help you learn to navigate our course and assist you in succeeding in this class. In addition, the Kaplan Student Orientation will be available for you to review at any time on your KU Campus page. If you forget any of this information and need a quick review, please check out the Academic Tools tab found in our course in each unit. Does anyone have any questions?
Announcements Please be sure to read the announcements that I post in class. Some announcements will be to support you and give you the heads up on the following week, others will be reminders of due dates, holidays, and you will even find invitations to student learning communities and workshops.
Course Details This course uses a mixture of the Follari Textbook which you will find in docsharing and web resources. AOL Instant Messenger: If you are not an AIM Member you can download the free service by visiting the following site: There is also an instant message service that I use on my Google account that you can reach me by appointment. Just send an and we can set up an appointment time. Microsoft Office (Word and PPT) Adobe Acrobat Reader (available as a free download at ts/acrobat/readstep2.html Textbook is available in pdf files in Doc Sharing
Course Description This course will present an overview of the field of early childhood development. Students will learn the foundations necessary to provide safe, healthy, high-quality care for young children. An emphasis will be placed on governing standards and regulations, historical perspectives, and current trends. This course will also focus on what it means to be an early childhood professional and will assist students in developing effective professional practices in the field.
Course Outcomes By the end of this course, you should be able to: Describe the foundations necessary to provide safe, healthy, high- quality care for young children Explain how individual state standards and laws have an effect on preschools and child care centers Identify historical issues and current trends in the early childhood care profession Discuss the role of ongoing professional growth and education in the development of an early childhood professional Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English Use principles of sound reasoning
Grading Criteria/Course Evaluation Gradebook Unit # Total Discussion Seminar Graded Review Unit 6 Project100 Unit 9 Project100 Total 1000
Plan your work…work your plan! Suggestion to reduce stress: Log into class early each week and get started on your course work. If you wait until later to log in, you will most likely feel overwhelmed with the amount of assignments that need to be completed. Have you thought about your schedule during each week and how you plan to fit schoolwork into your busy life? Mark your seminar on the calendar! Reading? Discussion? Learning Activities? Graded Review? Projects (give yourself a little time each day over a period of two weeks). Organization is the key! Don’t forget to check out the to do list and course announcements in each unit.
Seminars require preparation When seminars are scheduled, please browse through your lesson assignments for questions/topics to think about to prepare for seminar. Your thoughts and contributions are valuable (I may not be able to read each one aloud—participation counts towards grade!) Yes, there is a Written Option 2, but sharing in seminar is so much better. If you cannot attend seminar, there is an archived recording and a template with directions/tutorial links in Doc Sharing. Know that projects will be discussed in seminar (1 to 2 weeks in advance of project).
Extenuating Circumstances If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing projects or participating in the class, please contact me to make alternative arrangements. I always follow the grading rubric and will be happy to work out an action plan if you get behind, but it is your responsibility to me that you are would like to work out an action plan to complete your work successfully. I cannot help if you do not communicate with me.
Plagiarism Policy Kaplan University considers academic honesty to be one of its highest values. Students are expected to be the sole authors of their work. Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Though not a comprehensive or exhaustive list, the syllabus provides some examples of dishonesty or unethical and unprofessional behavior. Please review this policy!!!! When in doubt, please cite your resources and NEVER, EVER COPY and PASTE!.
Graded Reviews In units where you see graded reviews, please feel free to use your textbook to assist you in answering the questions. The Learning Activities will prepare you for the Graded Reviews!! Enjoy!
Projects Please be sure to pay attention to the details of each project and remember to peek at the Rubrics on the Syllabus to make sure that you are not missing anything. Resources for Projects will be in Doc Sharing. Projects are discussed in Seminar.
Syllabus Questions Have you looked over the course syllabus? What questions do you have? What expectations do you have based on your overview of the course?
Why do you want to be a teacher? What has influenced you as a student and prospective teacher? What is it about teaching that appeals to you? How do you define and envision yourself as a teacher? Describe who you are or want to be as a teacher. Think about what you know, believe, and who you are as one resource as we review the next slides... Unit 1 - Reflection Questions
Roles as an ECP Early Childhood Providers hold many roles. WE ARE: Teachers Researchers and Lifelong Learners Advocates and more…
Teacher Plan for and support children’s developmental processes in all domains Encourage children’s love of learning through interesting, meaningful activities Know universal milestones as well as individual children’s progress and personalities index.html Be open to forming emotional relationships and bonds with children and families
Researcher and Lifelong Learner “Teacher as researcher” means actively exploring current research and innovations in best practices Network with other professionals Try new ideas, reflect on your own practice Observe children and others’ practice Embrace your own curiosity, interests, hobbies and share these in the classroom
Advocate Recognize that early childhood is a dynamic, special, vulnerable time Families deserve our respect and support Families come in many forms and sizes, but all are essential elements to children’s successful development
Current Issues Young children need plenty of active learning experiences, not just instruction Children benefit most from quality interactions with responsive teachers Classrooms are moving toward meaningful inclusion of children with varying abilities Classrooms, as our communities, are becoming increasingly diverse, representing different races and cultures What are some ways that we can meet these needs as early childhood professionals?
Culture Belongs to Everyone “Culture” can encompass different influences, including: Ethnicity Religion Language Social norms and expectations Family traditions and values Personal or group beliefs Community norms
Explore your own Culture Reflect on your own values and traditions. What experiences and influences have shaped who you are? What expectations do you hold that were instilled in you from your upbringing?
Standards and Best Practices The U.S. Department of Education (USDE) recently announced that it is formally inviting states to apply for waivers to move beyond the flawed accountability measures of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), also known as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) In September 2011, President Barack Obama announced the ESEA regulatory flexibility initiative, which is based upon the Secretary of Education’s authority to issue waivers.
Standards and Best Practices Continued Standards are based on developmental expectations and sociocultural norms Standards can be used to assess outcomes and can be integrated into planning for quality, active learning experiences National organizations offer educators a chance to network with other professionals.
Play as a Vehicle of Learning Play promotes authentic activity, strengthening all areas of development Children choose course of their play, which engages their interest more deeply Research shows that play based programs that give children opportunities for choices and self-direction also promote academic success
Reflection Questions What challenges do you anticipate facing as a teacher of young children? How do you believe you can handle them?
References Follari, L. (2010). Foundations and best practices in early childhood education: History, theories, and approaches to learning. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. For website Jupiter Images Corporation, (2010). Retrieved May 10, 2010 from Note: References should be used for every assignment in this class. Check out the APA tutorial in Doc Sharing for examples of in-text citations to go along with your full references. For textbook
Thank you! Thank you for joining me! It has been a pleasure to meet each of you! I am sure we will have a great term! If you ever need anything… me at We can also set up an appointment to Weekly to do: 1.Post your introduction 2.Complete reading and answer Discussion (make sure answer question completely...need two facts). 3.Learning activities 4.Graded Review 5.Seminar (You can cross this one off your list).