The Technical Office Professionals The TOP Club
Technical Office Professionals… are able to demonstrate basic math, written and verbal language skills. are able to solve problems and think critically. are able to acquire a job. are dependable and reliable. are professional in appearance. are able to manage time. have excellent customer service skills. have excellent organizational skills. are flexible. are honest and ethical.
Technical Office Professionals… are able to work cooperatively. are able to work independently. able to demonstrate excellent verbal communication skills. are willing to accept constructive feedback. are able to demonstrate job- specific technology skills. OR are able to demonstrate basic computer skills (word processing, , Internet search).
Technical Office Professionals… respect all people, including themselves, and all property, including their own, at all times. come to class prepared, and in a professional manner. consume food and drink outside the classroom. follow all directions and procedures given by instructor. follow all safety, school and district rules. ESPECIALLY: ◦ Be IN room when tardy bell rings. ◦ Turn electronic devices OFF before entering the classroom. ◦ Gentlemen remove their hats before entering and do NOT put on until they exit the classroom.
Technical Office Professionals…
Work Readiness Certificate… slide UNDER CONSTRUCTION - (picture)
Purpose The purpose of this club is fundraising and sponsorship whose monies will be used to purchase certification tests, equipment, software, curriculum, guest speakers, and other items.
Membership A voting member is any student enrolled in a CTE CIS Business & Finance course: Microsoft Tools, Media Publications, Professional Business Communications, or Office Technologies. Any Palo Verde Valley High School student not enrolled, or previously enrolled, in any CTE CIS class may join as a non-voting member.
Meetings Meetings will be held the first Thursday of the month, at lunch, in room 18 or as needed in order to maintain an active group.
Meetings Our FIRST meeting is THIS Thursday!
Club Officers President Vice President Treasurer Secretary
Duties of the President Preside over all meetings of the TOP Club Call special meetings of the TOP Club Plan and prepare an agenda for TOP Club meetings Each position will earn UP TO 50 BONUS points listed below according to the quarterly performance evaluation given by Mrs. Johnson
Duties of the Vice President Serve as the TOP Club President if the president becomes unable to fulfill his/her duties either temporarily or permanently Support the TOP Club President Each position will earn UP TO 50 BONUS points listed below according to the quarterly performance evaluation given by Mrs. Johnson
Duties of the Treasurer Maintain complete and accurate record of all club receipts and disbursements Oversee club fund-raising efforts Supervise the preparation of the club budget Each position will earn UP TO 50 BONUS points listed below according to the quarterly performance evaluation given by Mrs. Johnson
Duties of the Secretary Maintain accurate minutes of each club meeting Carry out all correspondence for the club Each position will earn UP TO 50 BONUS points listed below according to the quarterly performance evaluation given by Mrs. Johnson
Elections Club officer elections shall take place once per year, via secret ballot (Nominations will be made via Google Classroom. You can nominate yourself…!!)
Elections Club officer elections shall take place once per year, via secret ballot (Nominations will be made at this Thursday’s meeting! You can nominate yourself…!!)
Fundraisers Holiday / Occasion Cards Senior Graduation Slide Show / Video Any other ideas? Send a Haiku message (via Connect… Inbox) ◦ Car Wash ◦ Bake Sale
How will this benefit YOU? If working towards certification, funds from the club could very well pay for your test(s)!!! Future t-shirts and trips, etc… Whatever YOU vote the $$$ to go towards (within club constitution limits…)
Tie-Breaker for Secretary Katie Schriner Vanessa Ramos