Tony Biggar Adam Smith College Tony Biggar
Monday to Thursday Friday from Contact details (main campuses) St Brycedale Campus: Adam Smith College, St Brycedale Campus, St Brycedale Avenue, Kirkcaldy, Fife, KY1 1EX Stenton Campus Adam Smith College, Stenton Campus, Stenton Road, Glenrothes, Fife, KY6 2RA
Leven Campus Adam Smith College, Leven Campus, Victoria Road, Leven Priory Campus Adam Smith College, Priory Campus, Victoria Road, Kirkcaldy, Fife, KY1 2QT
Rotunda The rotunda is opening to all students. It has both hot and cold food and drinks. The rotunda has lots of tables and chairs to set when having something to eat or waiting for your next class There is also a little shop within the college next to the Rotunda.
Guidance is available to you before you start at the College, as well as throughout your course, from Induction to Exit, so that we can help you progress with your plans for the future. The College has a dedicated Guidance team, staffed by four advisors, who are on duty at each of the main campuses and by request at the outreach locations. Students, or prospective students, can make an appointment to see one of the advisors in private about concerns that arise. What the guidance deals with: Personal Matters Financial Concerns Educational Choices and Concerns Careers Assessment Centre Practice
The college has a range of courses: The four centres are: Business Creative Technology Care and society
Fitness and Exercise HNC Fitness Health and Exercise HNC Fitness Health and Exercise NQ Intermediate 1 Introduction to Sport and Fitness NQ Intermediate 1 Introduction to Sport and Fitness NC Sport and Fitness NC Sport and Fitness NC Sport and Fitness Higher NC Sport and Fitness Higher NC Intermediate 1 Sports Link NC Intermediate 1 Sports Link Sports Coaching BSc Sport and Fitness BSc Sport and Fitness HNC Sports Coaching with Development of Sport HNC Sports Coaching with Development of Sport HND Sports Coaching with Development of Sport HND Sports Coaching with Development of Sport Uniformed Services NC Intermediate 2 Army Preparation NC Intermediate 2 Army Preparation NQ Higher Police Preparation NQ Higher Police Preparation
Where are the campus libraries? Town Library Location on Campus Kirkcaldy St Brycedale Library Ground floor, St. Brycedale Campus Nairn Library Ground floor, Nairn building, Priory Campus Glenrothes Stenton Library Ground floor, Learning Centre, Stenton Campus The library has a range books, magazines and newspapers.
Our campuses have their own cafes and restaurants serving full meals, quick bites and snacks. Or if you just want a cool can, there are plenty of vending machines too. The college rotundas are open at: Refectory Opening Times St Brycedale Campus 08:30 to 15:30 Stenton Campus 08:30 to 15:30 Priory Campus 08:30 to 15:30
Travelling to Adam Smith College, no matter what campus, is made easy thanks to the excellent rail, road and bus systems throughout Fife. Our main campuses, located in the towns of Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes and Leven, are centrally located and within walking distance of bus and train stations. train timetable: e=msn&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=train%20timetables&utm_campaign=Train_Times--Bhttp:// e=msn&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=train%20timetables&utm_campaign=Train_Times--B If travelling by car to Stenton Campus, plan your journey by visiting our directions page where you will find easy to use travel instructions from wherever you are in the UK. Please note, parking at this campus is very limited. We would encourage the use of public transport wherever possible. If you must travel by car we have set up a car sharing website, so why not share your fuel costs with others.
The gym is located at the St Brycedale college on the first floor, the gym can be used by both staff and students. Day Gym Opening Hours (from 13 May 2011) Monday 08:30 to 14:00 17:00 to 21:00 Tuesday 08:30 to 09:00 11:00 to 13:00 17:00 to 21:00 Wednesday 08:30 to 09:00 16:00 to 21:00 Thursday 08:30 to 09:30 16:00 to 21:00 Friday 08:30 to 09:00 10:00 to 13:00 16:00 to 17:00 Saturday 09:00 to 12:00 (Please note: this is subject to change due to class use ) To book phone us on (01592) or book in person at the reception desk. Fees Student Gym Membership 06/09/2010 04/09/2011 £35 Full Year 06/09/2010 19/06/2011 £30 Academic Year 06/09/2010 06/02/2011 £17.50 Single Semester 07/02/2011 19/06/2011 £17.50 Semester and Summer 07/02/2011 04/09/2011 £23.00 Summer 20/06/2011 04/09/2011 £10
Our excellent Inspired Salons are commercially run and offer competitive prices to our clients. Our Salons are located in St Brycedale Campus, Kirkcaldy close to excellent travel links. We provide the perfect professional environment for you to relax, unwind and pamper yourself in our Tranquillity, Harmony and Serenity beauty rooms or have your hair styled to reflect current trends and your own individual style in our modern hairdressing salons inspired by some of the best stylists in the industry. We are also proud to be the only Goldwell Hair Colour Centre of Excellence in Scotland. We retail the latest TIGI, GHD, FAKEBAKE, SKIN TRUTH products, to name but a few, to allow you to continue maintenance of your hair and beauty routine at home. Being one of Scotland’s leading providers of training in Hairdressing, Beauty and Holistic Therapies, you can be assured of a professional service. View our Information and Price List (PDF 246 KB) for more details. To make an appointment please call us on
Policies and Procedures for Learners The policies and procedures listed below describe processes which directly relate to your experience as a learner at Adam Smith College. By clicking on the link beside a policy or procedure you can view the document, download it in PDF format or print it out. Some policies and procedures also have fact sheets linked to them. These are short summaries of the key points written in clear, easy to understand language and are often a good place to start if you want to refer quickly to the main points of a policy or procedure. Smoking Policy The Smoking Policy been developed to protect all employees, students, contractors and visitors from exposure to second-hand smoke and to assist compliance with the Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act Attendance Policy: The Attendance Policy describes the College's expectations of learners in terms of their attendance and outlines the consequences of unsatisfactory attendance. Attendance Procedure: The Attendance Procedure describes in detail the processes involved in monitoring learners' attendance at College, the steps which will be taken if attendance becomes unsatisfactory and the support available to learners having problems with their attendance.
Carbon Management Strategy: Adam Smith College is committed to sustainability and to reducing its carbon emissions by 25% over a period of five years. Participation in this phase of the Carbon Management Programme is central Adam Smith College's progress to meeting this target. Adam Smith College is committed to continually reviewing our environmental performance to ensure that the social, environmental and economic impact of our activities is taken into account in all our policies. The Carbon Management programme will allow the College to evaluate its current performance and plan future projects to ensure that all potential for carbon savings is considered. Savings achieved through the CMP can be used to finance further sustainable initiatives Finally, and by no means the least, measures to increase energy efficiency will reduce energy costs, which is particularly important for the future given the predicted increases in energy prices.
The student Associations is the college gateway to student life. The association organises campaign and social activities and also provides support services and confidential help for all students. You can contact the Association on (mobile), (Stenton Campus), or visit their website at