The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) Stories from the Megillot (Festival Scrolls) Ruth Esther And other scriptural short stories Jonah Judith Tobit
The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) Stories from the Megillot and other scriptural short stories Reading the scriptural fable - historicity is not the essential aspect, rather, the meaning of the story - the background is assumed, the modern reader must learn the context - symbolism is frequent and significant - literary devices should be noticed: humor, irony, parallelism, word- play - allusions to earlier events/writings - the presence of God/faith is often unstated, yet decidedly present
The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) Stories from the Megillot and other scriptural short stories Ruth Moab – a land often at odds with Israel Levirate marriage (Dt ) – it was the responsibility of the nearest male relative to marry a childless widow and provide an heir to the deceased husband
The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) Stories from the Megillot and other scriptural short stories Ruth - read for the festival of Shavuoth (Pentecost) - dated to either reign of Solomon or post-exile in reaction to Ezra & Nehemiah's isolationism
The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) Stories from the Megillot and other scriptural short stories Ruth Word-play the parents: Naomi pleasant (later Mara bitter), Elimelech 'my God is King' the sons: Mahlon sickness, Kilion wasting daughters-in-law: Orpah 'nape of neck, back', Ruth 'friend, additional one' Jewish city of the family: Bethlehem house of bread the 'redeemer': Boaz - unknown, also the name of a pillar of Solomon's Temple, often understood as 'in him is strength' the heir: Obed serving
The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) Stories from the Megillot and other scriptural short stories Esther - associated with Purim - dated to post-exilic period, possibly as late as Maccabean era - historicity: Xerxes and a courtier named 'Marduka', no evidence of an attempted pogrom - heavy use of irony throughout the story - theologically significant as a reminder of Divine Providence
The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) Stories from the Megillot Esther The Characters King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) Queen Vashti Mordecai, a Jew Esther, Mordecai's neice Haman, a courtier and the villain
The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) Stories from the Megillot and other scriptural short stories Jonah – the reluctant prophet Erroneous history and geography Ninevah – a wicked pagan city Sea creature – chaos The sheltering plant A lesson on divine mercy
The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) Stories from the Megillot and other scriptural short stories Judith Late dating Erroneous history and geography Achior and the summary of Jewish history in ch. 5 Judith's reprimand in ch. 8 Judith's plot The issues – God as Israel's protector so long as the nation is righteous Is it right to do evil for a good cause?
The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) Stories from the Megillot and other scriptural short stories Tobit A fable Elements of oriental folklore (demons, angels, folk remedies, Ahiqar) The cast: Tobit, his son Tobiah The demon Asmodeus, the angel Raphael Sarah, a Medean widow