Welcome to Back to School Night 3rd Grade Mrs. McGivern
Dear Third Grade Parents, I welcome you and your child to the third grade at Countryside School. This presentation will provide an overview of the upcoming year and answer questions you may have.
Math Emphasis will be on developing student’s ability to use math problem solving processes and on developing students’ math facts, skills, and concepts. We will be covering place value, time & money, number sense, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, measurement, geometry, patterns, and problem solving. Rocket Math
Reading Students will be taught to be active readers by using skills and strategies throughout the reading process. We will be reading a variety of genres within leveled books, magazine articles, short stories, as well as novels. Reading Instruction: Primarily through guided reading groups (your child’s instructional level), shared reading and literacy blocks. Making Meaning, Daily 5 and Interactive Read Aloud
Language Being a Writer Handwriting Without Tears Word Wisdom (Vocabulary)
Science Metric weights and measurements Space; our solar system and our moon Life Structures: Plants and Animals Simple Machines/Inventions and Inventors Force and Motion
Social Studies Geography (Map Skills and Globes) History of Illinois History of Chicago History of the Barrington area
Specials Music: 1x a week/50 minutes Art: 1x a week/50 minutes Library: 1x a week/50 minutes PE: 2x a week/50 minutes –1x per week 25 minutes Computers: 3x a week/25minutes
Communication Daily Take-Home Folders Weekly Folders /Phone Newsletters-weekly Assignment notebooks/planner (teacher and parent initial each night) Teacher webpage
Homework All homework is due the following day unless specified minutes per night including self- selected reading and studying math facts. All homework assignments will be recorded in the daily assignment notebook. Please initial the book daily.
Field Trips There will be several field trips throughout the year that will support our school curriculum. Parents will have the opportunity to sign up to chaperone class field trips. Room moms will contact those individuals who have volunteered.
3 rd grade testing CogAts (Fall) MAPS (math and reading- Fall, Winter, and Spring) ISATs (Spring)
ISAT ISAT testing will take place during the Spring Students will be tested on the following: –Reading –Math
RtI Response to Intervention Students who do not meet grade level benchmarks in reading for fall, winter, and spring will be receiving additional support through means of reading interventions. Interventions will be given by our classroom assistants, classroom teachers, speech pathologists, reading resource, diagnostician, gifted teacher, etc. You will be notified in writing if your child qualifies for additional support.
Progress Monitoring Students who receive interventions will be progress monitored weekly to ensure they are making progress and that the intervention is working.
Positive Behavior Mission Be respectful, be responsible, be safe Direct instruction by teachers and staff members Clear, In-The Moment Reminders and modeling of expectations Frequent recognition –Countryside “PAWS” and Monthly Celebrations
Thank You!!! Take with you any hand-outs or materials that your child’s teacher left on their desk. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by or phone. –