Welcome to Julius West Middle School
Agenda Welcome to Julius West! IB Middle Years Programme overview 6 th grade schedule Course offerings and registration process Academic Performance and Communication Additional information and resources
We are an IB World School
As IB learners we strive to be: inquirers knowledgeable thinkers communicators principled open-minded caring risk-takers balanced reflective Page 4
A 6 th Grade Sample Schedule Warning Bell PeriodClass JAGSpecial Activity 1Academic class 2Academic class 3Arts or PE class Lunch10:46 – 11:16 4Academic class 5Academic class 6Arts or PE class 7Academic class Dismissal each class is 47 minutes long
Required Classes ► Language and Literature (English) ► Mathematics ► Individuals and Society (Social Studies) ► Investigations in Science 6 ► Physical Education /Health Education
English 6 Goal to create literate, thoughtful communicators, capable of negotiating an increasingly complex and information-rich world Skills include: analyzing varied and complex texts, developing arguments, synthesizing information from multiple sources, examining different perspectives, and engaging in self- reflection. Four thematic units: Foundations, Adventures, Challenges and Barriers, and Artistic Choices.
English 6 Common tasks in each unit allow students to engage in a variety of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing activities. Students read a variety of novels, short stories, poems, plays, visuals, and nonfiction works Students move primarily from examining texts from a reader’s point of view (comprehension) to looking at texts from a writer’s point of view (analysis).
Common Task Examples Write a brief scene showing a character’s personality. Write and present an argument defending or challenging a quotation. Write an explanation of how an author uses language to create mood. Create and present an advertisement for a product. Prepare and perform a scene from a play by Shakespeare.
Digital Literacy Focuses on developing critical and creative thinking through reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing Problem based and designed focused- students examine real-world problems of interest, research the causes and create solutions Designed to advanced their understanding of comprehension, analysis, and evaluation of text and vocabulary acquisition Replaces Reading 6
JW Ninth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh GradeEighth Grade Math Math Math I M 2.0 Compacted 7/8 Algebra Honors Geometry 2.0 Mathematics Offerings Algebra Honors Geometry 2.0 Honors Algebra 2 Geometry Algebra 1 with Related
World Language (Language Acquisition) Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8 French 1A Spanish 1A Chinese 1A French 1B Spanish 1B Chinese 1B French 1A French 1A/1B Spanish 1A Spanish 1A/1B Chinese 1A French 2A/2B Spanish 2A/2B Chinese 2A/2B French 1B French 2A/2B Spanish 1B Spanish 2A/2B Chinese 1B Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1A/1B French 1A/1B Spanish 1A/1B All WL classes earn high school credit.
Language Acquisition Options Choose one ►____ ESOL ► ____ Chinese 1A ► ____ French 1A ► ____ Spanish 1A ►____ Digital Literacy
Course Registration Log in using your MCPS login and password.
Student Registration Click on the box with the pencil icon to select courses.
Student Registration When you have made your selection, click ‘okay.’
Student Registration On the main screen, don’t forget to click on the ‘submit’ button.
Student Service Learning (SSL) Students must earn 75 hours of SSL to graduate from any Public High School in Maryland. Students may start earning SSL hours during the summer following their 5 th grade year. Students may earn 10 hours of SSL for activities infused into the grade 6 science curriculum. Please visit for more information.
Thank you for coming this evening