1. Introduction to Short Stories 2. “Talking Tina” episode 1. PLOT DIAGRAM OF EPISODE
The Five Things The Five Things The Short Story Foreshadowing Irony Figurative Language Symbolism Point of View Suspense Plot Theme Setting Conflict Characterization
As you watch, keep track of the plot and jot down what keeps you interested. Don’t worry about terminology. Just write down ways the writer keeps your interest. You need at least FIVE things. I found it works best to make a 2-column chart with plot summary on the right and questions on the right.
Label your flow map. Exposition? Inciting Incident? Rising Action? Climax? Falling Action? Conclusion?
What elements of a short story did the writer use that kept this short story interesting to you? While Student B listens, Student A shares one thing that he or she found during the video. (30 seconds) Together, Student A and B should try to attach a term to that example. Repeat with Student A listening.
Turn in your plot diagram before leaving.