Short Story Unit “Full Circle” Vocabulary
Brevity n. The quality of being brief in time; shortness
Despondently adv. In a very discouraged or depressed manner
Dispel v. To scatter; drive away
Egotistical adj. Conceited; proud
Enigmatic adj. Mysterious, puzzling
Harass v. To persistently bother or torment
Inexplicable adj. Difficult or impossible to explain
Skewed v. Distorted or slanted in a particular direction; unbalanced
Sullen adj. Showing irritation or unhappiness by a gloomy silence; moody
Wary adj. Cautious; watchful
“Vocabulary in Action” Pg. 755 Complete Exercises A & B
“Full Circle” by Sue Grafton During : As we read, “Full Circle,” jot down your predictions as well as answers to Active Reading questions that are placed within the selection. Base your predictions on information in the story, prior knowledge, logic, and even what seems most unexpected. After: Complete “Connect to the Literature” & “Think Critically” on pg. 754 #1-5