Objective: To listen attentively and respond appropriately to oral communication; to express personal preferences.
What kind of pet do you have or want to have? Why is it special? My pet ______can __________. It is special because _________.
Imagine you have a pet. What is something silly it can do? My _________can _______________.
Objective : To distinguish between real and make believe; to enjoy a contemporary poem. My Fish Can Ride a Bicycle My fish can ride a bicycle, My fish can climb a tree, My fish enjoys a glass of milk, My fish takes naps with me. My fish can play the clarinet, My fish can bounce a ball, My fish is not like other fish, My fish can’t swim at all.
The poet in this poem is writing about something that is make believe. If you have a make believe story it is something that is made up and cannot be real.
Objective: To read high frequency words Word Wall Words animalscold fishfrom liveswas nowtheir undervery headyour
Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending Objective: To segment phonemes in words.
Objective: To segment words into phonemes. Let’s Sing You will sing a song and say the sounds that make up each word. Sing to the tune of “London Bridge is Falling Down.” Can (child’s name) say the sounds in fish, sounds in fish, sounds in fish? Can (child’s name) say the sounds in fish Yes, I can! /f/ /i/ /s/ /h/ feet toes door snore floor hold seal swim born
Objective: To blend phonemes into recognizable words Sing to the tune of “The Muffin Man” Can you say /w/ /o/ /k/, /w/ /o/ /k/, /w/ /o/ /k/? Can you say /w/ /o/ /k/? Yes I know I can! rock chore torn corn stay store bath porch
Objective: To recognize compound words To decode words parts in compound words To build compound words with known words
Compound Words are made by joining two smaller words.
Compound words kickkickballball
Compound Words bathbathtubtub
Compound Words basketbasketballball
Compound Words somesomethingthing
“Kick the kickball to me!” said Jen. “Let’s dig in the sandbox,” said Kim. “Look at the ants in the anthill,” said Todd. “Don’t dig there.” “I’m going on the swingset,” said Matt. “Who wants popcorn to eat?” Mrs.York asked.
or for form more store sort long bring your head Objective: To use /or/ or, ore, and other known letter-sounds to spell and write words. To spell and write known high frequency words.
Do you want to read or play a game? I had pizza for dinner. Use the clay to form the shape of an animal. Sam would like more milk. Mom went to the store to buy apples. Sort the blocks by color. The train is very long. Li will bring muffins to the party. Your dog is cute. I bumped my head on the bed.
Objective: To compare and contrast while listening to a story.
Let’s read Ugh! A Bug!
Now let’s compare and contrast two bugs in our story. How are the smooth and spiky bugs the same? How are they different?
Objective: To review robust vocabulary
If an animal adapts to a place, it had body parts or ways of acting that help it live there. adapt Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations.
What would you do to adapt to living on a boat? How would you adapt to living in a cave? How would you adapt if you lived in a place that had lots of rain?
intriguing If you think that something is intriguing, you are curious about it. Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations.
Do you think that bugs or penguins are more intriguing? Why? What would your face and body look like if you were looking at something intriguing? What movies have you seen that were intriguing?
If you inhabit a place, you live there. inhabit Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations.
Would you like to inhabit a house with no roof? Why or why not? Would you like to inhabit a world made out of food? Why or why not? What would it be like to inhabit the moon?
Can an animal nuzzle you while it is prancing? Why or why not? If a place always had raging storms, would it be a good place to inhabit? Why or why not? Name an intriguing animal you have seen. Why is it so interesting? If an animal adapted to life in a snowy place, would it be able to live there?
inhabit my housemy town my classroom
intriguing a rainbow a snowflake thunder
Objective: To use special names and titles correctly. To capitalize and punctuate special names and titles correctly.
A special name or title is the name for a certain person. Special names and titles begin with capital letters and titles end with a period.
Let’s look at some words and see which ones are special names or titles Dan Dr. Mack a good doctor tall man Beth Mrs. York
Objective: To write complete questions. To apply knowledge of correct capitalization and punctuation
Interview Questions The questions help you find out about a person Questions begin with words like Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Questions end with a question mark.
Examples of interview questions Where did you grow up? What did you like to do in school? What do you like best about being principal?