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Presentation transcript:

The Blessed Man Psalm 1


The Blessed Man Psalm 1 The Psalmist here uses three triplets which build in intensity with each progression demonstrating a profound truth - a minor deviation from God’s direction can only lead one to completely rejecting the instruction of God and ultimately to destroy any hope that one might have for peace in their life. Isolates Himself from Evil Influence

The Blessed Man Psalm 1 Walk - describes the character and behavior of one’s life Isolates Himself from Evil Influence Counsel - “has two basic, though closely related, meanings: “counsel, advice” and “plan, purpose” (Mounce) Wicked - “denotes the category of people who have done wrong, are still living in sin, and are intent on continuing with wrongdoing” (Vine’s)

The Blessed Man Psalm 1 Stand - to stand or prop but also to persevere, to remain “be or become servant of” Isolates Himself from Evil Influence Path - a road (as trodden); a course of life or mode of action Sinners - “exposed to condemnation”

The Blessed Man Psalm 1 Sit - “to live, to inhabit, to dwell” (Mounce) Isolates Himself from Evil Influence Seat - “ seat, assembly, dwelling-place, dwelling, dwellers” (Brown, Driver, Briggs) Scoffers - “scorn” those who mock religion/God

The Blessed Man Psalm 1 Delight - literally desire or will but more than just a disposition of the mind Insulates Himself from Evil Influence The law of the Lord - direction, instruction, law (BDB) Meditates day and night - reflecting the sighing and low sounds one may make while musing, at least as the ancients practiced it.

The Blessed Man Psalm 1 Planted - “transplanted” (BDB), “firmly planted so that no winds that wage around it may move it from its place” (JFB) Intentional in His Faith Brings forth fruit in his season - the fruit which one expects from it, it yields... and that at its appointed, proper time (Keil and Delitzsch) Its leaf does not whither - due to intentional planting and proper sustenance

The Blessed Man Psalm 1 4 The wicked are not so, But they are like chaff which the wind drives away.Psalm 1:4 (NASB95) A Contrasted Life

The Blessed Man Psalm 1 24 The Lord bless you, and keep you; 25 The Lord make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; 26 The Lord lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.’Numbers 6:24–26 (NASB95) A Contrasted Life