Streets of Simferopol Named after the Underground Organization Members Who Perished During the Years of the Great Patriotic War by Nikolay Kuzmenko from Molodyozhnenskaya school № 1 grade 7
The peninsula was considered to become a part of the great German Empire. «Gottenland» and «Gottenburgh» were supposed to be the new names for Crimea and Simferopol. But the Crimeans rose to defend their capital and their Motherland. On July 16, 1941 Hitler and the leaders of the nazi Reich decided to inhabit the Crimea with the Germans only.
The actors of the Crimean State Drama Theatre joined the underground organization «Sokol». Soon they were arrested and tortured. On April 10, 1944 they were executed by shooting. Nowadays there are two streets in Simferopol, named after Nickolay Baryshev and Oleg Savvateyev, the heroic members of «Sokol».
There is a street in Simferopol under the name of Semyon Kusakin. The living here people are proud of their street, baring the name of the brave young antifascist. underground organization Zoya Zhiltzova was the leader of the partisans. She perished when she was only 19. In December 1948 there appeared a new street in her native town. It was Zoya Zhiltzova Street. The member of the youth
There is a wonderful monument in Simferopol. It ʹ s a monument to children and teens who fought against fascism during the Great Patriotic War and who gave their lives for our happiness and peaceful sky. The bell ring reminds us about the unforgetable victims of the war.