+ Population and settlement The Amerinds, the appearance and settlement of the French in North America
+ Migrations The early migration to permanent occupation of the territory 30,000 BC 25,000 years ago migrated across Bering Strait from Asia 1e.shtml 1e.shtml eories.html eories.html
+ slowly moved south to inhabit all of North and South America
+ Occupation of territory There are three language families in Quebec in 1500, the Iroquois, Algonquian and Inuit. Estimate numbers between and The Algonquian are the most numerous, between and peoples/circa peoples/circa addc6dbe7f8846a35&msa= addc6dbe7f8846a35&msa=0 Gradual occupation of the territory starting from the southern Quebec
+ Identification of groups according to language Iroquoian languages include Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, Erie, Neutral, Tobacco, and Huron. Cree, Odawa, Innu (Montagnais), Innu (Naskapi), Micmac, Maliseet was spoken in the Algonquian linguistic group.
+ Algonquin ----Algonquian Lifestyle :Nomads in the Canadian Shield and the Appalachians Home :Wigwam tents covered with animal skins, wigwams, teepees (easy moved from one place to another) Summer camp near a river,winter camp in the interior
+ Patriarchal lineage : The married woman living in her husband's family- patriarchy Organization : The Nuclear family - Fighter Group-Band Activities : Hunting, Fishing Gathering Transportation :snow shoes, canoes, dog sleds eastern-woodlands eastern-woodlands html html
+ Iroquoian Lifestyle: Semi –sedentary in the Great Lakes – St Lawrence River Valley Home : Longhouses-Villages with palisades near a fertile soil and a river
+ Matriarchal lineage : The married man lives in his wife's family Organization : The clan -the village – the nation -the Confederacy Activities : farming, hunting, gathering Transportation :snow shoes, canoes, dog sleds cms/expositions-exhibitions/iroquoiens-iroquoians/ cms/expositions-exhibitions/iroquoiens-iroquoians/
+ Inuit Nomads : In the Arctic Home : Skin tent for summer- igloo in winter Patriarchal lineage Organisation - nuclear family -fighter group -regional band Activities : hunting, gathering Transportation : kayaks- sleds