Japanese Creation Myth Islands of Japan Google Images Amaterasu Google Images Izanagi and Izanami Google Images BY: Sara and Tammy
Description1- In the beginning elements mixed together to form one germ of life. germ began mixing with things around it. heavier germs sank to the bottom. lighter parts rose. Sea covered the entire Earth. A green shoot shot up from the sea. It grew into the clouds then transformed into a god. That god got lonely and created other gods. The last two gods created were Izanami and Izanagi Google Images
Description 2- Izanami and Izanagi- Gods began wondering what was beneath the ocean. Izanagi thrusted his staff into the water. When he pulled up his staff and mud fell back into the sea. Mud hardened and formed island of japan. Google Images
Descrition3- The land- Izanami and Izanagi went down to explore. Google Images Descrition3- The land- Izanami and Izanagi went down to explore. Created all kinds of plants. Decided to stay and have children to inhabit the island. First child was radiant and they put her in the sky as the sun. Her first child became the emperor The second child became the moon. The third child was unruly and he was placed in the sea and ruled over the moon and the rainstorm.
Creation By... Heaven and earth separated out of chaos. Chaos is... conflict of the forces of light and darkness. Izanagi and Izanami Created the land of Japan. Izanami gave birth to the fire god but was burned and went to yomi. Yomi is the underworld/nether-world. Izanagi was angry and cut his son’s head off and more gods were created from his blood. Google Images
Who was involved Izanagi and Izanami- the creators of the land of japan.The youngest of the brothers and sisters to appear after heaven and earth separated. Izanagi was repulsed when he saw his wife’s body that he ran and washed in a river and other gods were born from him and the clothes he threw off. Amaterasu- Goddess of the sun and the royal house of Japan. She was born from izanagi’s left eye. Principle of fertility and nourisher of all life on earth. Google Images Susa-no-o- He was given power over the sea, but he wasn’t satisfied and went to the underworld. He is also considered the god of the moon and the rainstorm. Before going to the nether-world he convinced his sister to create babies in the novel method (eating gems and swords and spitting them back out). He was the principle of violence and destruction.
Amaterasu and Susa-no-o Google Images Google Images Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun and the founder of the royal house. It is said that she gave birth to the first emperor and all emperors descend from the first. She had an argument with her brother, and she hid herself in a cave refusing to come out. This action deprived the world of sunlight. A clever goddess began a fantastic dance that pleased everyone and Amaterasu’s curiosity aroused her to come see and the world was light again. Her brother was naturally violent and belligerent. Before going to the nether-world he convinced his sister to create children. One of which was banished for his behavior, but was partially atoned for saving a maiden from an eight-headed dragon.
Comparison... Similarities many gods certain gods have certain rulings miscellaneous creation water first two people coming together creation of plants before humans tree/grass shoot Google Images
Amaterasu and Susano-o Bibliography- Google Images Amaterasu and Susano-o Cavendish, Richard, C. A. Burland, and Brian Innes. Man, Myth & Magic: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mythology, Religion, and the Unknown. Illu-Juda ed. Vol. 10. New York: M. Cavendish, 1995. Print "Japan." Japan. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2014. "Japanese Creation Myth." Creation Myths --. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2014. Robinson, Herbert Spencer., and Knox Wilson. Myths and Legends of All Nations. Totowa, NJ: Littlefield, Adams, 1976. Print. "The Origin of Japan and Her People." Creation Stories. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2014.
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