Fully modern humans developed around 200,000 years ago in East Africa “Culture” (who can tell me what culture is again?)- language, symbols, tools, developed perhaps 50k years ago Movement had already been happening! Even human ancestors had left Africa
Culture developed and evolved in many places—some totally cut off from elsewhere and some not Agriculture developed around 12,000 years ago in the Middle East Most people did not come into contact with goods or people from more than a few miles from their birthplace
Ideas filtered between civilizations and spread What’s this called again?
What’s a luxury good for an NDP freshman? What’s something really valuable to you? Why?
Valuable goods? Silk, precious metals, spices And thus…
Start: then-China capital, Chang-An End: Mediterranean ports, India
Routes thru India and the Middle East
Series of routes across Asia that carried goods and ideas between China and Europe through central Asia, India, and the Middle East How would the Silk Road promote cultural diffusion? Was the Silk Road globalization?