Exploration and Isolation 7/2013Izydorczak1
- Created a desire by Europeans for new products from the Middle East and Far East (India and China) - encouraged Europeans to take on an adventurous spirit and questioning attitude - European monarchs are trying to increase their power by controlling TRADE, which generates $$$. 7/2013Izydorczak2
Two areas causing problems for most European traders - Italian Merchants charged high prices for goods from Middle and Far East - Muslims controlled the Silk Road, which made it dangerous 7/2013Izydorczak3
Europeans needed an All Water Route to the East 7/2013Izydorczak4
Why did Europeans begin to explore new lands? To gain more sources of wealth Faster routes to Asia Spreading of Christianity 7/2013Izydorczak5
Why did Europeans begin to explore new lands? Bartolomeu Dias “To serve God and His Majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness and to grow rich as all men desire to do.” 7/2013Izydorczak6
Why did European begin to explore new lands? The Three G’s To serve God and his majesty To give light to those who were in darkness To grow rich as all men desire to do 7/2013Izydorczak7
What advances in technology made these voyages possible? A medieval instrument, now replaced by the sextant, that was once used to determine the altitude of the sun or other celestial bodies. 7/2013Izydorczak8
Who is fighting for the 3 G’s and finding an alternative route to the far East? 7/2013Izydorczak9
Started a school of navigation in Sea captains, map makers, and navigator met and exchanged ideas there. 7/2013Izydorczak10
Bartolomeu Dias Reached the southern tip of Africa 7/2013Izydorczak11
Led a ship around Africa, to India, and back. 7/2013Izydorczak12
Were the first to establish trading outposts. 7/2013Izydorczak13
How does Spain react to Portugal’s success? What does this bring? 7/2013Izydorczak14
Explored coasts of S.E. Asia, India, and S.E. Africa Cultural diffusion Chinese Explorer Helped Establish trade between China & other areas Stopped trade with outside world The West industrialized but China was left behind Stopped Zheng He expeditions & voyages Chinese will become vulnerable to future European weapons & technology Porcelain Paper Canal system renovations New printing methods/books Tools (better farming methods) Great Wall renovations (towers added) Poetry, opera, drama Literacy increasing Confucian Gov’t & traditions 7/2013Izydorczak17
Traditional Chinese culture was ethnocentric due to its geography? What was the only European country (people) allowed to trade with China after the Ming banned contact with foreigners? 7/2013Izydorczak18
Did the Ming Dynasty restore Confucian government and traditions to China? Did Chinese artists excel in drama, opera, and landscape painting? 7/2013Izydorczak19