English speaking countries
The english speaking countries This term is used for the countries where the majority of population speaks English as their mother tongue.
England, Great Britain, United Kingdom United Kingdom comprises Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England. Great Britain is the main big island and is made up of Wales, Scotland and England. England is the main big island that doesn’t comprise Wales nor Scotland.
Flags The Union Flag/Jack England ScotlandWales
The most ridiculous english laws Complete the following english law: Suicide is……. a capital crime. And what about this one? It is in fact illegal in Ireland for Bee’s to trespass. Yes that’s right those insects which fly around everywhere. I would certainly like to meet the person who is able to train Bee’s to intentionally trespass. Dying is illegal in the Houses of Parliaments. A law prohibiting anyone from dying while inside the Houses of Parliament has been voted as the most ridiculous law by the British citizens. Which is it?
This is real!!! Comment on these pictures
United States How many States shape the USA?Can you name them?
The importance of understanding english Play
Remember and describe the following pictures (1)
Remember and describe the following pictures (2)
Remember and describe the following pictures (3)
Do you remember all the pictures in order?
Canada What do you know about canada? Where is it? Languages spoken Capital Would you like to vsit Canada? Why? Why not?
Know a bit more about Canada Mini-project: The class will be divided into groups and each group will choose a different canadian city from thoses proposed below. They will watch the video and each group will describe to the class their city.
Mini-project: Travel Guides Ottawa, Canada.Ottawa Montreal, Canada.Montreal Toronto, Canada.Toronto Vancouver, CanadaVancouver
Australia What do you know about Australia? Where is it? Capital Currency Flag Animals Food The two most popular Sports
Things you should know(1) How many stars has the USA flag? Why? Where are we?
Things you should know(2) Where are we?
The end