MEMORY EXPERIMENT Look at the image I have just given you When I say time is up, hand the image back to me Copy the image onto the blank page Put your name on the blank page and hand it in
LEARNING Learning is a change in knowledge and/or skills What needs to happen in order for knowledge and/or skills to change?
SPONGEBOB’S MEMORY In groups, identify strategies for teaching Spongebob how to be a fancy waiter without him having to erase his long term memory and overload his short term memory
LEARNING Level Academic and social behavior Attention, Memory, Language Neurobiological Assessment Academic and social testing Cognitive and Language Testing fMRI, PET, MRI
LONG TERM MEMORY Long Term Memory Semantic Declarative Procedural Episodic Declarative Procedural
MEMORY EXPERIMENT PART 2 On the blank paper I provided, draw the image from the beginning of class
WORDS FROM PETER DOOLITTLE TALK Tree Highway Mirror Saturn Electrode
WHAT WE PROCESS, WE LEARN Process information in the moment Evaluate, question, Practice and repeat information Write it down, think about it later, tell someone else Think elaborately and illustratively Wrap prior knowledge around new knowledge Use imagery Create images to remember, record ideas in images When providing information: Organization and Support Provide structure to help students make meaning From Peter Doolittle, TEDGlobal 2013