Patient Records Seminar 6
What information is included in the medical record?
Personal data
What information is included in the medical record? Personal data Status
What information is included in the medical record? Personal data Status Insurance information
What information is included in the medical record? Personal data Status Insurance information Social Security number
What would happen if this information was in the wrong hands? Fraud
What would happen if this information was in the wrong hands? Fraud Identity theft
What would happen if this information was in the wrong hands? Fraud Identify theft Discrimination
HIPAA 101 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule Personal Health Information
HIPA A Violations $50,000 fine or up to 1 year prison, or both $100,000 fine or up to 5 years, or both for intentional or fraudulent purpose $250,000 fine or up to 10 years or both for intent to sell info
Ownership of Medical Records Who owns the medical records?
Ethics Committee
Carrie is a 33 year old woman with cervical cancer who has undergone difficult cancer treatments for the past year. She now just wants to die. Carrie has a 10 year old son who will be taken care of by her mother Susan. She feels Carrie is committing suicide and that the cancer treatments might eventually cure her. She is the POA and meets with physicians and demands that Carrie’s treatments continue.
Ethics Committee Should Susan be able to make this decision and ignore Carrie’s request?
Ethics Committee Should Susan be able to make this decision and ignore Carrie’s request? Can Carrie make her own decisions regarding her healthcare?
Ethics Committee Should Susan be able to make this decision and ignore Carrie’s request? Can Carrie make her own decisions regarding her healthcare? Should the healthcare team be meeting with Susan without Carrie’s knowledge?
Ethics Committee A 47 year old woman is brought by ambulance to the hospital after an MVA. She is in shock and needs a blood transfusion. The physician explains the risks and the woman refuses and clearly states her religious objections since she is a Jehovah’s Witness. Should the doctor save the woman’s life and give her the blood transfusion and go against the woman’s beliefs? Should healthcare professionals always honor the wishes of patients, even when their life is in danger?
Ethics Committee A 14 year old female is brought against her will to the ER by her parents. She ran away from home for 3 days and had bruises on her neck when she returned that she could not explain. Her parents want her evaluated for sexual abuse. Should the ER physician evaluate the girl against her wishes?
Questions? Concerns? Comments?