THE SENTENCE Unit 1 Collated with Houghton Mifflin – English 6 By: Angélica Guerra, MS Greater Miami Adventist Academy
Kinds of Sentences – lesson 1 A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. It starts with a capital letter. TYPES: Declarative: Makes a statement, ends with a period. Interrogative: Asks a questions, ends with a question mark. Exclamatory: Shows strong feeling, ends with an exclamation mark. Imperative: Gives a command OR makes a request, ends with a period or an exclam. mark.
Make one sentence of each type using the picture:
Subject and Predicate lessons 2 & 3 Every sentence has 2 parts – the SUBJECT and the PREDICATE. SUBJECT: Who or what the sentence is about PREDICATE: What is said about the subject Complete S & P ALL the words in the S are the Complete Subject. ALL the words in the P are the Complete Predicate. Simple S & P The MAIN word (or words) in the S is the Simple Subject. The MAIN word (or words) in the P is the Simple Predicate.
Subject AND Predicate Follow the directions: The doorbell rang. The cowboy from Montana came to visit. He brought me a pizza. The farm is his favorite place in the world.
Imperatives & Interrogatives lesson 4 Give a command or make a request The subject is always YOU. Examples: Come here. Please read this.
Imperatives & Interrogatives lesson 4 (continuation) Ask a question Most times, to find the subject you’ll have to rearrange the question into a statement, then ask WHO or WHAT does the action. Did the bus arrive to school? What arrived? The bus did arrive to school.
Compound Subject - lesson 5 The Simple Sentence expresses ONE complete idea. (The dog ran outside.) When a simple sentence has 2 or more subjects joined by a connecting word such as and/or, the subject is called COMPOUND SUBJECT. * Where did Mary and Jo find that rabbit? * The boy or his brother will clean the mess.
Compound Predicate - lesson 6 When the simple sentence has 2 or more predicates joined by a connecting word such as and/or, it is called COMPOUND PREDICATE. Babies cry, sleep, eat, and poop all day. My car drives fast and always breaks down. The doctor will visit the patients or will go to surgery.
Combining Sentences – pp. 51-52 If different subjects are doing the same action, you can write a comp. subject sentence. EX: Ana is playing soccer. The boys are playing soccer. Ana and the boys are playing soccer. If the same subject is doing several actions, you can write a comp. predicate sentence. EX: At home, he eats. At home, he sleeps. At home, he studies. At home, he eats, sleeps, and studies.
Lesson 7 The Compound Sentence… expresses TWO OR MORE complete ideas that are equal in importance. On September 11, 2001 the Twin Towers were destroyed, and people died. On September 11, 2001 the Twin Towers were destroyed; people died.
,and (to add info.) ,or (to give a choice) ,but (to show contrast) Compd. Sent. Continuation… Ways to DIVIDE the 2 sentences in a Compound Sentence: Add a comma and a connecting word - (and/or/but) ,and (to add info.) ,or (to give a choice) ,but (to show contrast) Add a semicolon ;
Compd. Sent. Continuation… How do you know a sentence TRULY IS a compound sent.? You CAN divide it into TWO separate sentences (a subject and a predicate on each side). EX: Steven cut his finger with the knife, but he is OK. Steven cut his finger with the knife. He is OK.
Make a Compound Sent. with the picture provided:
Lesson 9 The Complex Sentence… is a sentence that contains TWO parts – * an independent clause: a part of the sentence that CAN stand on its own. * a subordinating (or dependent) clause: a part of the sentence that is LESS important because it CANNOT stand on its own.
Continuation… Complex Sentence: When I go home, I take a shower. Subordinating Clause: When I go home (What happens?) Independent Clause: I take a shower. (This is a complete thought.)
Complex St. continuation… The SUBORD Complex St. continuation… The SUBORD. CLAUSE can be in different parts of the sentence. If it is at the BEGINNING: Follow it by a comma. (,) Before breakfast, I pray. If it is in the MIDDLE of the sentence: DO NOT add a comma. I pray before breakfast.
Complex St. continuation… Subordinating Conjunctions after although as because before if since unless until when whenever while ETC.
PRACTICE Follow the directions: My Dalmatian chewed its bone. Dr. Ryans visits her patient. Ana will go to the mall. The old man dances well.
Lesson 10 Fragments & Run-ons Doesn’t express a complete thought Missing subject OR predicate ------------------- FIX IT by providing what’s missing. FRAGMENT: When I get home. SENTENCE: I will eat when I get home. RUN-ON Two or more sentences that run together with commas OR without any punctuation. ---------------------------------- FIX IT by making 2 separate sentences or a compound sent. Run-On: Manny cooks dinner, Lucy walks the dog. Many cooks dinner. Lucy walks the dog.
Fix the FRAGMENTS or RUN-ONS: My sister is a pharmacist she works at Walgreens, she can buy lots of products at a discount price. Costs only $2.99. When she takes pictures. Tennessee is a beautiful state, its mountains look like they have smoke on them that’s why they are called Smoky Mountains.
Now get ready for your test! THE END Now get ready for your test!