{ Carpal fusion Jalal Jalal Shokouhi-MD, ISR Kimia Kahrizi-MD, Prof. of medical genetics Mohammad hossein Herischi-MD,PhD-Baku, Republic Azerbaijan Shahyar Pashaei-PhD, Boniad daneshname negari, Iran Aliakbar Ameri-MD, Jaam e jam
1. Hereditary 2. Non-hereditary Causes:
Carpal fusion is hereditary and nonhereditary conditions in acrocallosal syndrome, acromegaly, apert, arthrograyposis, carpenter syndrome, chromosal abnormalities, EEC syndrome, F syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, holt oram S. leopard S., multiple synostosis S., oligosyndactyly S., Pfeiffer-likes, scleroderma, split hand and foot, stickler S., thalidomide embryopathy, turner syndrome and many other conditions (taybi syndrome book). Sometimes there is no known causative disease
Technic = X-ray
Hand bone anomalies are more common in syndromes or other congenital or non-hereditary conditions but polydactyly, syndactyly or oligodactyly and carpal fusions are interesting. X-ray is the modality of choice but MRI and X-ray CT with multiplanar reconstructions can be use for diagnosis.
Short second phalanx of fifth finger
Right hand with three metacarpal and phalanx, fused carpal bones
Fused right carpal bones capitate and hamate
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