Lesson 4 Review Question Name 5 ways to resist peer pressure. 1. Walk away 2. Say “No” 3. A better idea 4. State the facts 5. Reverse the pressure 6. Steer Clear 7. Avoidance/Ignore 8. Broken Record 9. Make an Excuse
Causes of Conlict
What causes conflict? Conflict: A disagreement or fight
Causes of Conflict – 1. Point of View: The way something is viewed or thought about
Causes of Conflict – 2. Misunderstanding
Causes of Conflict – 3. Similarities and Differences -Values, Likes/Dislikes, Opinions, Beliefs, Etc How can differences cause conflict? How are differences good?
BINGO activity Turn to the last page in your packet Answer the following questions in random order in the 9 squares: (NUMBER THE ANSWERS) 1. On the weekend I like to… 2. My favorite food is… 3. I am good at… 4. My favorite book is… 5. I go to __________ Middle school 6. I am ______ feet and ____ inches tall 7. I have ________ brothers and sisters 8. I like my… 9. I would like to learn how to…
Bingo Activity… When I say “go” find someone with answers that are the same as yours. Have them initial your sheet and you can initial theirs. Try to get three in a row Erase or cross out the initials that you had down and we’ll play again. This time find different responses from yours (has to be from the same questions).
Sneetches Story What is the message or “meaning” of the story?
Review Q What do you think of the word “acceptance”?