2.2 Box 1 Columbus, Corte’s, and Pizarro came to the new world to discover new land for Spain
2.2 box 2 Spanish settlers looking for gold terrorized Natives Created Sugar plantations forcing natives into slavery Disease and work killed natives Spanish started African slave trade
2.2 Box 3 Spanish treat Native’s badly Cortes Attacks and controls Aztecs Pizarro Conquers Incas Brought disease and killed all who were in their way
2.3 box 1 Ponce De Leon took 200 men to establish a colony to find the fountain of youth on the border of North America Coronado looked for gold setting up villages all the way to the great plains
2.3 box 2 Soldiers lived In walled forts called Presidios Priests established missions to convert Native Americans to Catholicism
2.3 box 3 Teaching each other how to grow food and new skills for living Natives treated poorly. Forced into slavery And killed by disease
2.4 box 1 Jacques Cartier was looking for the North West Passage to Asia and ran into Canada. Claimed Canada for France Robert De La Salle Explored Mississippi river and sets up a colony in Louisiana
2.4 box 2 Trading post Fur Trappers Set up Missionaries to teach the Native’s about catholic life
2.4 box 3 Good friends/ business partners Became allies with Huron Indians Accidentally killed Natives from disease
2.5 box 1 John Cabot sails for England looking for the Northwest Passage. Lands on Newfoundland claiming North America for England English also establish a settlement in Jamestown
2.5 box 2 Jamestown life was hard Located in a swamp full of disease Settlers unable to provide for themselves John Smith made things better until he returned to England and the Native’s Refused to trade called the starving time
2.5 box 3 Captain John Smith Became friends with Natives Pocahontas helped colonist avoid starvation until John Smith left causing the Starving time Pocahontas married John Rolfe creating improved relations with the natives
Explorers to Carolina Verrazano- sailed for France in 1524 looking for North West passage. Explored the Coast of North Carolina. Found Natives, No gold, No route to China Desoto- Sailed for Spain between 1539 and Landed on South Carolina coast and explored for Gold in North Carolina Mountains. Found no gold and died in the process
Explorers of North Carolina Pardo- Explored for Spain in Searched all of North Carolina for gold and left priests in areas to convet Native’s to Christianity. Found no gold but did convert native’s to Christianity Sir Walter Raleigh- Sailed for England between Looked for North West Passage and gold. Found no Passage or Gold but found Friendly natives Sir Walter Raleigh- Sailed for England between Looked for North West Passage and gold. Found no Passage or Gold but found Friendly natives