1. English Colonies Mercantilism – system of nations increasing their wealth and power through trade and with colonies. English wanted a favorable balance of trade which meant they sold more than they imported Social System – unlocked the burdens of the social ladder with prosperity
2. English Control colonies were successful traders Lumber, furs, fish, grain, tobacco were sent to Europe Large quantities of finished goods were bought Parliament passes the Navigation Acts – Restricted how and with who the colonist could do business
3. Seeds of Independence Glorious Revolution, England, 1688 – Parliament becomes the dominant force in English gov’t Salutary Neglect – Very loose supervision of the colonies; leads to feeling of independence! Lack of control led to self government – religious, political, economic and social freedom abounds John Peter Zenger Trial – About colonial rights to basic freedoms (press)
4. Immigration Concerns Lots of different immigrant groups and religions pour into the colonies English, Germans and Irish were the largest groups (resentment begins)
5. Cities Begin to Develop Most were port cities – Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Charleston Urban Problems – Fire, clean water, waste, poverty
6. Slavery In America Slaves would replace Indians and indentured servants Triangular Trade – Slaves-Sugar-Rum Middle Passage – The trip from Africa to the Americas; harsh, nasty conditions Slave Culture – Dance, religion, slave resistance