Nicholas Mahfood
There are different reasons for Britain's glory. The location of England was very good for controlling trade. England offered a climate favorable to business. In the 1700’s Britain was usually on the winning sides in European Conflicts. England's territory expanded closer to home.
By 1750’s Britain had many successful colonial cities along the eastern coat of North America. Boston, New York and Philadelphia where commercial centers that connected North America to the West Indies, Africa and Europe. They helped to grow Britain's overseas empire.
Britain considered their colonies as a means to benefit the parent country. They wanted to export to colonies and reduce importation.
In the colonies wealthy land owners and merchants dominated the government positions. The colonists wanted the same rights as British citizens. They formed their own colonial assemblies to make decisions for local affairs. They started to consider themselves independent of the mother country.
The British government lost a lot of money due to the Seven Years War. Imposed taxes on the colonist to help pay for the wars. The Sugar Act in 1764 on imports and the Stamp Act in 1765 on newspapers and pamphlets. Stamp act revoked in 1766 because colonist said “ No taxation without representation” in parliament.
Angry colonists clashed with British soldiers. The Boston Massacre took place when five protestors where killed by British soldiers. Boston Tea Party in 1773 involved the dumping of a cargo of tea into the harbor in protest on the tax of tea. The continental congress met in Philadelphia to try and agree on how to end the unrest. Present were George Washington, John Adams and other political people.
War continued between British and colonists and was known as the American Revolution. British won a lot of the fights but colonists did not give up. In 1776, the Second Continental Congress declared independence from Britain. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence which stood for life, liberty and property as natural rights.
The colonists had many disadvantages: Lack of money Lack of military expertise No strategic plan. However they also had some advantages: They knew the geography of their lands They had George Washington as a leader They where determined
This British sided with the Natives. They promise freedom to enslaved natives who would join their forces. The turning point in the war came in The Americans triumphed over the British. This victory persuaded France to join up with the Americans to go against its former rival, Britain. The Treaty of Paris ended the war, giving the United States independence in 1781.
In 1787 the second constitution was written and stated that government must be run by the people for the people. The people wanted to vote and their first President was George Washington. The Constitution of America created the most progressive government of its day. It provided freedom for all.