Naselle – Grays River Valley School District
GOAL: To better engage all middle and high school staff in post secondary awareness and readiness activities. To assist high school seniors and families with the college application process.
College Awareness Week
ACTIVITY OVERVIEW: We conducted several different activities involving students in grades 7-12 and staff which included…
Shirley’s Morning bulletin announcements with college and career facts and figures.
Teacher College t-shirt day and telling of personal college story.
Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Bennett College and career writing prompts in middle and high school English classes. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Bennett
(bulletin board in middle school) College reports and posters in the middle school (bulletin board in middle school)
Digital college posters and videos in 9th Grade Choices class. Mr. Nelson’s Class
College t-shirt locker decorating contest in middle and high school & Teacher door decorating contest K-12
College planning night for seniors in October College application activities in 12th grade which included... Transcript review and credit check SAT/ACT score review Activity list and resume Personal statement/essay writing activities Letters of recommendation form College application completion and submission Senior Bulletin Scholarship searches, FastWeb, Washboard, etc.
PREP TIME: A lot of prep time initially to get teachers on board. Materials: Paper for posters and door decorations (all school provided)
PROCEDURE: Shirley and I met with and coordinated with various teachers, administrators, and support staff in the middle and high school. Shirley researched and came up with college and career facts for the bulletin. I met with teachers and asked them to wear college t-shirts, decorate doors, and share personal stories. Edie spearheaded the college t-shirt locker decorating contest. Summer Johnson and Diane Bennett gave writing prompts in their respective middle and high school English classes, assigned college reports and decorated bulletin board. Greg Nelson assigned college posters and videos in Career Choices. I worked with seniors on college application activities at least once per week during October and November and conducted a college planning and application night with parents in October. In short, this involved much communication and collaboration with the entire staff.