Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson Author of the Declaration of IndependenceAuthor of the Declaration of Independence
July 4 th 1776 The date the Declaration of Independence wasThe date the Declaration of Independence wassigned 56 delegates signed it announcing the birth of the United States56 delegates signed it announcing the birth of the United States
John Hancock First to sign the D.O.I (president of the 2 nd Continental Congress)First to sign the D.O.I (president of the 2 nd Continental Congress)
Declaration of Independence 4 Major Sections4 Major Sections 1. Preamble – introduction (states that peoplewho wish to form their own country shouldexplain their reasons) 1. Preamble – introduction (states that people who wish to form their own country should explain their reasons) 2. Declaration of Natural Rights – lists therights the colonist believed they should have 2. Declaration of Natural Rights – lists the rights the colonist believed they should have 3. List of Grievances (complaints) 4. Final section proclaims the existence of thenew nation 4. Final section proclaims the existence of the new nation
Unalienable Rights a right that cannot be surrendered without due process of law(life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness)a right that cannot be surrendered without due process of law(life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness)
Too Late to Apologize – A declaration