By: Mikaela Ricker
I am going to tell you about North Carolina. North Carolina is a great state to vacation in. The fresh air and the smell of the flowers makes it great to be outdoors. It has some great historic places. It teaches you a lot about the 13 colonies. Lets take a look in to the past.
The sate was founded in 1653, by the Virginia colonist. The population in North Carolina was 270,000 people. North Carolina became a state in November 21, The animals that lived in North Carolina was sheep, horses, and Red Devon's. The nickname for North Carolina was, “The old north state”.
The two major cities are Raleigh, Bath.
A kids life in North Carolina was like, They played war games and when they didn’t have any other chores they would play with puzzles and hopscotch. They also sometimes played cards.
The foods they had were Apple bread, pecan couscous salad, and sweet potato pie. They usually made or grew most of their food or supplies because money was very valuable and there wasn’t much of it.
North Carolina colonist built houses out of wood or brick. They were successful with growing there own corn. That was one of their popular foods. North Carolina did not have any schools. Instead the churches opened up schools for the kids.
North Carolina got it name. It was named for carolus. The natural resources use were red clay, wood, soils, and lumber.
The major industries are tobacco, lumber, tar pitch, turpine, and crops. The Agricultural products are tobacco indigo, and rice.
They followed the church of England, or being members of the Presbyterian church.