Sailaja Yadavalli Hubert Chin Raymond Hong Nisha Patel Weiling Chang Charles (Chuck) Kenney Arash Tehranzadeh Tyler Crawford Crispina Han Jong Liu Alison M. Nguyen Noaman Siddiqi Shelly Marette Imtiaz Ahmed
Charles Kenney 45 y/o male with shoulder pain
Coronal T2Fsat
ا اا ا OblSag T2Fsat
SLAP 6 Unstable flap tear of the superior labrum
Charles Kenney 6 y/o boy injury while wrestling with brother
STIR Coronal
6 y/o boy injury while wrestling with brother T1 Coronal
T1 T2 Fsat Post Gad 6 y/o boy injury while wrestling with brother
2 month and 4 month F/U 6 y/o boy injury while wrestling with brother
Osteofibrous Dysplasia with Pathologic Fracture Rare fibroosseus lesion of bone Primarily involves the cortex, multiple lytic expansile lesions with intervening sclerosis, bowing deformity Most common in tibia--reports of fibula, ulna, radius, humerus Young children <10 yrs Continuum with adamantinoma, ossifying fibroma Unpredictable natural history
Sailaja Yadavalli MD, PhD William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI 57 year old female with painful bump along distal leg No history of trauma
Very superficial mass associated with a tubular structure with flow within 57 year old female with painful bump along distal leg. No history of trauma
Ax STIR Ax T1FS/Gd Cor T1 57 year old female with painful bump along distal leg. No history of trauma
Cor T1Cor STIR Cor T1FS/GdCor T2 57 year old female with painful bump along distal leg. No history of trauma
Vascular Leiomyoma path proven AKA Angioleiomyoma or Angiomyoma Usually in adults - fourth to sixth decade F>M 89% - 94% in the extremities Lower extremity more common Slow growing small subcutaneous mass Often painful
Sailaja Yadavalli MD, PhD William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI 52 year old african american male who felt a pop in his left leg and pain Comes to the Emergency Center Has history of thigh swelling for several years History of Factor IX deficiency
11/ AAM who felt a pop in his left leg and pain History of thigh swelling for several years History of Factor IX deficiency
Findings Fracture of left distal femur Well defined lucent lesion at fracture site Remodeling of femur Significant soft tissue swelling
07/ AAM who felt a pop in his left leg and pain History of thigh swelling for several years History of Factor IX deficiency
06/ AAM who felt a pop in his left leg and pain History of thigh swelling for several years History of Factor IX deficiency
06/ AAM who felt a pop in his left leg and pain History of thigh swelling for several years History of Factor IX deficiency
11/ AAM who felt a pop in his left leg and pain History of thigh swelling for several years History of Factor IX deficiency
11/ AAM who felt a pop in his left leg and pain History of thigh swelling for several years History of Factor IX deficiency
Findings Fracture of left distal femur Well defined intramedullary lesion at fracture site Remodeling of femur Multiple masses in the thigh, some with fluid-fluid levels Similar masses seen on both sides on prior x-rays and CT studies
11/2007 Cor STIRCor T1Cor T1FS/Gd 52 AAM who felt a pop in his left leg and pain History of thigh swelling for several years History of Factor IX deficiency
Ax T1 FS Ax STIR Ax T1 Ax T1 FS/Gd 11/ AAM who felt a pop in his left leg and pain History of thigh swelling for several years History of Factor IX deficiency
11/2007 Ax STIR Ax T1 Above level of fracture Hematomas of different ages 52 AAM who felt a pop in his left leg and pain History of thigh swelling for several years History of Factor IX deficiency
11/2007Sag T1FS/Gd 52 AAM who felt a pop in his left leg and pain History of thigh swelling for several years History of Factor IX deficiency
Findings Fracture of left distal femur Multiple hematomas with blood products of different ages in the thigh No significant enhancement of the intramedullary lesion at fracture site
ORIF and Biopsy Intramedullary chronic hematoma Chronic hematomas in the thigh
Arash Tehranzadeh 48 year old male with ankle pain. Patient has renal failure and is on dialysis.
Findings: Tibial cyst without osteoarthrits. DDX: Brown Tumor vs. Giant cell
Arash Tehranzadeh Professional football player with acute ankle injury
Findings: Acute near complete Achilles tendon tear.
Arash Tehranzadeh 22 year old professional basketball player for LA Lakers with foot/ankle acute inversion injury during game.
22 year old basketball player for LA Lakers with foot/ankle acute inversion injury during game.
22 year old professional basketball player for LA Lakers with foot/ankle acute inversion injury during game. Findings: Anterior talo-fibular ligament tear.