Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Project Planning and Issuing Bonds
2 The Bond Bank Created in 1975 to assist Alaskan municipalities access low cost funds for capital projects Operation is Self Supporting and has Repaid State’s Investment Efficiency and Flexibility has Increased Continually Generating and Implementing Innovations to Better Meet the Mission
Mission Statement “To Provide Municipalities Finance Options for Capital Projects They Can Afford” Sell Highly Rated Bond Bank Bonds (AA+ Fitch, AA+ S&P) Use Proceeds of Bond Bank bonds to Fund Lower Rated Community Bonds at the Bond Bank Borrowing Rate Bond Bank reduces Cost Through Economies of Scale and Pays Most Costs of Issuing Bonds Accomplished By Result Over the last 10 years the Bond Bank has saved Alaskan communities over $100 million, and over the last 38 years has secured $1.5 billion dollars for the construction of key municipal projects
Use of Bond Bank Proceeds (Excluding Reserves)
BOND BANK’S ASSISTANCE AT WORK IN ALASKA Unalaska Sitka Seward Anchorage King Cove Sand Point
Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Questions regarding the Bond Bank and its programs should be directed to: Deven Mitchell Executive Director Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority Phone: (907)