APPLICATION OF UNDERWATER SPINAL TRACTION WITH UNDERWATER PHOTOTHERAPY FOR DEGENERATIVE-DYSTROPHIC DAMAGE OF THE SPINE. Vladimir Dodtievich BITSOEV State-Financed Health Institution of Moscow “Municipal Polyclinic No. 69 of the Moscow Health Department” tel.: (495) , fax: (495) ,
The device for underwater spinal traction with phototherapy and the system for continuous adjustable spinal traction
Distribution of studied patients with degenerative lumbar-sacral spine disease according to methods of treatment and age groups (n=745) MedicationPhysical therapy and medication Physical therapy with underwater phototherapy of the spine Physical therapy with underwater traction of the lumbar-sacral spine Underwater traction with underwater phototherapy of the lumbar-sacral spine Age groups Methods of treatment Aged from 17 to 30 Aged from 31 to 40 Aged from 41 to 50 Aged from 51 to 60 Total
Frequency of distribution of cohorts under study selected according to the MRI results of the lumbar-sacral spine (n=269) Frequency of the feature, % I subgroupII subgroupIII subgroupIV subgroupV subgroup Methods of treatment Hernia protrusion 5-13 mm Hernia protrusion under 5 mm
The results of evaluation of pain intensity before and after treatment Pain intensity Number of patients Before treatmentAfter treatment People% % До 100% – 80% – 60% – 40% – 20% Total
The distribution of the cohorts under study selected according to the MRI results and age groups before treatment (n=269) Age Dorsopathy of the spine, osteochondrosis with an intervertebral disc hernia protrusion of under 5 mm. Dorsopathy of the spine, osteochondrosis with an intervertebral disc hernia protrusion from 5 to 13 mm. Total abs.% % % y.o y.o y.o y.o total Intervertebral disc herniation into the spinal canal Regression of the intervertebral disc herniation into the spinal canal Total By 30%By 40%By 50%People% Under 3 mm From 3 to 5 mm From 5 to 7 mm From 7 to 9 mm From 9 to 13 mm Total The distribution of patients according to the regression of the intervertebral disc herniation into the spinal canal after treatment based on the MRI results (n=269)
The results of comparing the frequencies of the feature – “improvement – absence of pain”- in the groups of patients treated with methods * *p=.0275* The results of comparing the frequencies of the feature – “no change – lack of clinical dynamics”- in the groups of patients treated with methods * *0.0009* * *0.0918
METHODS FOR STUDYING THE DIRECT EFFECT OF POLARIZED LIGHT OF THE DEVICE “BIOPTRON” AND THROUGH A FIBER OPTIC CABLE ON WATER, BLOOD PASMA AND THE WHOLE BODY 1.IR spectroscopy in the range of cm -1 (in the Fourier spectrometer Perkin-Elmer 2000 between the plates KRS-5), the study was conducted in the IPCE RAS after AA Frumkin; 2.The study of Raman scattering of light (Raman scattering) of water samples with the automated fiber-optic spectrometers (Institute of Spectroscopy, RAS, Troitsk, Moscow region, Fiber Optics Research Center of RAS, Moscow); 3.Evanescent infrared spectroscopy of the skin in vivo with a fiber optic sensor (Fiber Optics Research Center, RAS, Moscow).
Part of the infrared spectrum of tap water before and after exposure to polarized light of the device “Bioptron" wavelength nm (photon energy of eV) Curves: 1 – initial tap water (before exposure); 2 – after exposure for 4 minutes; 3 – after exposure for fifteen minutes to the Bioptron placed at a distance of 10 cm above water IR-spectrum of tap water after exposure to the “Bioptron” polarized light, wavelength nm (photon energy of eV). 15’ 4 4’ 2’ Wave number, cm -1 Optical density (arbitrary units) Before exposure After exposure
IR spectra of blood plasma after exposure to polarized light of the device “Bioptron“ 1- plasma spectrum before exposure (control spectrum); 2- plasma spectrum after exposure to PVIP light of the “Bioptron” in a Petri dish for 4 minutes; 3- plasma spectrum after exposure to PVIP light of the “Bioptron” in a Petri dish for 15 minutes; 4- plasma spectrum in 60 minutes after the patient had a 15-minute bath (the water was previously exposed to PVIP light for fifteen minutes) Optical density (arbitrary units) Wave number, cm -1
Part of the Raman scattering (RS) spectrum of tap water after exposure to polarized light of the device “Bioptron” and through a fiber cable for 10 minutes. 10’ Intensity, relative units Frequency of Raman light scattering, cm -1 1.Unexposed distillate 2.Exposure through a fiber cable 10’ 3.Exposure to Bioptron 10’ 1.Control water 2.Exposure to PVIP light of the device “Bioptron” for 4 min. 3.Exposure to PVIP light of the device “Bioptron” for 10 min. 4.Exposure to yellow light through a fiber optic cable for 10 min.
Evanescent spectra of the skin transmission after removing 5 and 10 layers from it and exposing it to polarized light of the device “Bioptron" for 10 minutes 1- spectrum of the skin before exposure; 2- spectrum of the skin after exposure to the device “Bioptron” for 10 min.; 3- spectrum of the skin after removing 5 layers; 4- spectrum of the skin after removing 10 layers
IR-spectrum of the skin after exposure to yellow light through a fiber optic cable for 10 minutes. IR-spectrum of the skin after dipping the hand in the water irradiated with yellow light through a fiber optic cable for 10 min. IR-spectrum of the skin after the hand was exposed to polarized light of the device “Bioptron” for 10 min. IR-spectrum of the skin after dipping the hand in unexposed tap water for 10 min. IR-spectrum of the skin after dipping the hand in water irradiated with the “Bioptron” light for 10 min.