What are some characteristics of freshwater biomes?
Freshwater Biomes Are made of water with no salt Ex. Rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, swamps Are shaped by abiotic factors Ex. The speed at which the water is moving 022/body.html
Water on the Move Water Movement Fast- Moving Still- Water Slow- Moving
Tributary Each creek or stream of water that joins a larger trickle or stream. So, where does the water come from that enters the tributary?
Fast-Moving Water Forms as more tributaries join a stream and then a river. Organisms have adaptions to avoid being swept away. Ex. Algae, moss, tadpoles, fish, clams
Slow-Moving Water As a river grows wider and slower it meanders. Meander-to flow in a curved pattern on the land. Deltas may form Ex. Mississippi & New Orleans & Dry Deltas on Mars
Slow-Moving Water Animals Ex. Dragonflies, Water Striders, & Fish
Still Waters Ex. Lakes & Ponds Have 3 Zones -Littoral -Open-Water -Deep-Water Check out your Still Water chart.
Littoral Zone Closest to the edge of land. Lots of light means lots of plants near the shore. Ex. Cattails, pond weeds, water lilies
Littoral Zone Animals Ex. Snails, clams, worms, frogs, salamanders, turtles, & fish
Open-Water Zone Only goes as deep as light can reach Ex. Bass, trout, phytoplankton
Deep-Water Zone No light Ex. Catfish, carp, crustaceans, fungi, bacteria Organisms feed on dead material.
Wetlands Area of land where the water level is near or about the surface of the ground for most of the year. Control flooding Replenish underground water
Marsh Wetland Treeless wetland Found in shallow water along shores of lakes, ponds, rivers, streams Ex. Reeds, wild rice, muskrats, turtles
Swamp Wetland Trees and vines grow here Located in low-lying areas beside slow rivers Ex. Willow, oak, elm trees, Spanish moss, Poison ivy, snakes, birds
So, how can lakes or ponds disappear? 1.Water carries material to the standing water 2.Dead material then settles to the bottom 3.The lake or pond slowly fills up 4.Lake…marsh….forest.