Habitats Mrs. Kovalchick 1 st grade science
Objectives Name all five habitats Identify one plant from each habitat Identify one animal from each habitat Identify the continents on which the habitats are located Create a habitat using a shoebox and classroom materials to include examples of plants and animals within the chosen habitat
Types of Animal Habitats Five Habitats: Forests Forests Deserts Deserts Rainforests Rainforests Ponds Ponds Oceans Oceans
Forests Moderate amounts of rain Cold in the winter Warm in the summer Many plants and animals All continents except Antarctica
Forest Animals & Plants Deer Squirrel Bear Skunk Deciduous trees Coniferous trees Ferns
Deserts Dry habitat Lots of sunlight Very little rain All continents except Antarctica
Desert Animals & Plants Snakes Lizards Scorpions Camel Gila Monster Saguaro Cactus
Rainforests Three layers Emergent Emergent Canopy Canopy Understory Understory Forest floor Forest floor Lots of rain Very wet Warm temperatures More animals than any other habitat Medicines South America, Asia, Africa
Rainforest Animals & Plants Gorilla Snakes Many insects Iguana Lizards Monkeys Tigers Bromeliads Epiphytes Pitcher plants
Ponds Water with land around it Smaller than ocean Filled with fresh water All continents except Antarctica
Pond Animals & Plants Ducks Snails Frogs Salamanders Water bugs Mayflies Mosquitoes Water lilies Algae Cattails
Oceans Large, deep habitat Salt water Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic
Ocean Animals & Plants Sharks Jellyfish Octopus Starfish Sea anemone Sea grass Algae
Animal Habitats Place where animals live and grow Animals can find food, water, & shelter Plants can find sunlight & water 100% Educational Videos. (2000). Habitats: Homes for Living Things [Full Video]. Available from