Regions Emergency Medicine Residency October 26, 2005 Felix Ankel, MD
History n Accreditation 1995, 1999, 2003 n 54 graduates 1999-present n 81 residents 1996-present
54 graduates 1999-present n 32 Minnesota: 7 Regions, 4 North, 4 EPPA, 4 Abbott, 4 Fellows, 2 Fairview-U, 2 Waconia, 2 Duluth, 2 Shakopee, 2 Healtheast, Brainerd n 22 out of state (16): SD 3, CO 2, IN 2, IA 2, NE 3, CA, MS, OR, NH, AK, MT, WA, NC, CA, WI, OH n 11 Academic: 7 Regions, Wishard, Madigan, University of Iowa, Case Western n 7 Hybrid: 4 North, 2 Fairview-U, Mercy-Iowa City n 33 Community n 5 Fellows (2 faculty development, critical care, simulation, informatics, toxicology)
81 residents ( present) 26 medical schools n 28 U of M, n 7 UND n 6 USD, Mayo n 4 Creighton, n 3 MCW, UW n 2 Nebraska, Loyola, IU, Iowa, Kansas n Finch, SUNY-Buffalo, SLU, Des Moines, Nevada, Vermont, Penn, Hawaii, East Carolina, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Michigan State
30 Faculty (16 Different EM Residencies) n Regions x 7 n Henry Ford x 2 n Michigan x2 n Maryland x 2 n Pittsburgh n Virginia n Harvard Affiliated n HCMC n U of Illinois n Brooke Army n St Vincent’s n UCSF/Fresno n Christ n New Mexico n Cincinnati n Indiana
Rotations (4 weeks blocks) n Year 1: ED 3.7, SICU 1.3, Ortho 1, MICU 1, Cards 1, OB 1, Mpls Kids 1, Anesthesia 1, Plastics 1, EMS 1 n Year 2: ED 6.3, SICU 1.3, EMS 1, North 1, MICU 1, St Paul kids 1.3, Tox/Adm 1 n Year 3: ED/ St Paul kids 9.7, SICU 1.3, Elective 1, Selective 1
n One month rotation to 4 week rotation n Incr Saint Paul kids exposure 26% n Move EMS from EM-2 to EM-1 n Move Tox from EM-3 to EM-2 n Incr Nurse midwife from 1 to 2 week n SICU, ortho, pediatric airway n BEST, virtual admin curriculum n Scrub color, cafeteria, EBM n EMREL, education asst, annual report, newsletter n Simulation n Shakopee pilot
2004 Program Review n n Residency Coordination, Accessibility & Responsiveness n n Resident Responsibility, Independence (3rd year only) n n Resident Responsibility, Resuscitations (3rd year only) n n ED Social Work Staff, Quality n n Resident Responsibility, Progression n Rotation Rating, OB n Rotation Rating, Orthopedics n Rotation Rating, Administration n Rotation Rating, Cardiology n ED Research
Area of focus 2004 retreat n Admin rotation n Ortho rotation n OB rotation n Cards rotation n Extending selective to other hospitals
Residency Strategic Plan /28/05 n SWOT analysis n Conferences n Simulation n Mentorship n Administrative curriculum n Scholarly activity n Individualization of educational experience n Integration with U of M n Integration with twin city hospitals n National presence
Program review 2005 n Residency coordination, accessibility n ED Social Work n Overall Program rating n Residency support staff n Residency responsibility, resuscitation n Admin rotation n Ortho rotation n OB rotation n ED research n Ultrasound
Changes n Ortho rotation n Selective n NCS, U of M procedure lab n Conferences (guest speakers, cath conference, board review, “you decide”) n Simulation n 2 sides to 3 teams n Pilot switch with HCMC n Admin experience n Rotation liaisons to class meetings
Future directions n Central repository of educational resources n Individualization of educational experience –mentorship, elective, project n Core competencies n Simulation n Collaboration n Mentorship n Leadership
Mission:PAPEEMCE Provide and promote excellence in emergency medicine care and education n Patient centered n Resident focused n Team oriented n Transparency n Professionalism n Knowledge n Skills n Attitudes n Core competencies n Contribution to specialty
Selected residency areas n Habits of life long learning n Evaluation and feedback n Tutorials n Anatomy lab n Procedure lab n Communication n Simulation n Mentorship and advising n Fellowship
Questions to consider