Setting the Context: IFAD’s New Operating Model Country Strategy New corporate processes Direct supervision Country presence
“The issue of good governance and capacity-building is what we believe Underpinning the New Operating Model: Financial Management and Good Governance “The issue of good governance and capacity-building is what we believe lies at the core of all Africa’s problems” Commission for Africa, 2005 Good financial management means that funds are used: solely for the purpose intended and results-orientated in accordance with the AWPB in conformity with administrative, technical, financial, environmental, agricultural and rural development practices and good governance
Financial Management (FM) & Good Governance in PF FM work involves 2 approaches: assurance that IFAD funds are being used for the intended purposes (thro’ reliable internal systems & direct supervision) (2) assistance to governments to improve FM capacities FM is an integral part of the development process to achieve the Millenium Development Goals One of the goals of the Paris Declaration is to ensure greater reliance on public financial management systems PF works with borrowers to use national systems where possible (e.g. reporting/ procurement/ budget)
Financial Management (FM) through Direct Supervision Core elements of Direct Supervision Implementation support Loan administration Procurement Audit These elements are intended to provide reasonable assurance that the funds provided by IFAD are used appropriately, efficiently and only for the intended purpose
Financial Management (FM) through Direct Supervision Loan administration Managed through PF Nairobi office Delegated authority of CPMs to certify payments & provide procurement N-Os Regular contact with project thro’ (supervision) missions (objective: 2 x year) Timeliness of funds flows depends directly on accuracy & completeness of submissions Statistical monitoring of WAs by PF
Financial Management (FM) through Direct Supervision Procurement review Responsibility for project/ programme implementation including procurement lies with the Government Funds should be used for purposes for which the financing was provided, with due attention to economy, efficiency and social equity IFAD provides no-objection (N-O) based on evidence provided Expenditures should be reimbursed even subsequent to N-O if later found ineligible
Financial Management (FM) through Direct Supervision Audit Provides accountability and credibility Financial statements prepared per IFRS/ IPSAS accounting standards National standards can + should be used if meet minimum disclosures External auditor – independent, uses ISA auditing standards Annual audit report due 6 months after year end Annual TOR should be prepared for auditor
Financial Management (FM) through Direct Supervision Audit (continued) 3 audit opinions: Financial statements Use of Special account Statement of WAs Management letter on internal controls & systems Suspension of disbursements may occur if: Untimely submission of reports Non compliance with IFAD standards (e.g. qualified accounts without satisfactory action plan)
Governance and Corruption Quality of governance is critical, contributing to economic & social development Improving local governance implies: delivering basic services strengthening capacities for decision-making resource management implementing developmental initiatives Monitoring of the quality of governance: across countries within individual countries over time
Governance and Corruption IFAD has a zero tolerance against fraud, corruption & misconduct Most countries in which IFAD operates have poor governance/corruption records Responsibility for use of funds rests with the Government Systematic checks/ controls may be built in at design +/or implementation stage of a project (e.g. low procurement thresholds/ FM advisors), in addition to normal IFAD procedures (e.g. audit)
Governance and Corruption Corruption (continued) Government is responsible for following up in the first instance IFAD may declare mis-procurement/ ineligible expenditures as a result of fiduciary responsibilities, also if in doubt Specific cases of suspected fraudulent/ corrupt practices are referred to IFAD’s Office of Audit and Oversight, which may collaborate if required (rare cases)
FM Tools & Resources PF FM&GG Internet site
FM Tools & Resources Newcomers and not so new….. PF FM&GG Internet site (address Userid=community Password=ifadcommunity) Withdrawal Application Tracking System (WATS) (address Group E-mails (PC/ M&E/ Accountants) FM specialist staff/ CPMs Coming soon….. New General Conditions (2009?) New Loans & Grants System (2010?) Internet site Userid=community Password=ifadcommunity Some of links to xdesk may not work if you are not an IFAD staff member. We will work on how to grant access to those of you who are interested. WATS Tracking tool – checking on security and debugging initial issues
FM Tips Do’s National systems Compliance Quality Timeliness Use PF FM tools Send updated E-mail addresses to Don’t’s Be afraid to ask PF!
Financial Management (FM) & Good Governance in PF Questions and Answers ?