Computer Architecture and Parallel Programming Laboratory (CAPPLab) Group Meetings Greetings! Abu Asaduzzaman Assistant Professor, Elec. Eng. & Comp. Sci. Department CAPPLab at 245 Jabara Hall Sept. 04, 2015
Dr. Zaman2 Welcome to Fall 2015 Term Outline► Introduction Updates Research Directions Funding Opportunities Fall 2015 Schedule Open Discussion Q U E S T I O N S ?Any time, please.
Dr. Zaman3 Introduction Welcome (to new members) Objective of this short presentation No CAPPLab! Know CAPPLab (people, resources, and activities)
Dr. Zaman4 Introduction (+) Know CAPPLab Computer Architecture and Parallel Programming Laboratory (CAPPLab) 245 Jabara Hall at Wichita State University Researchers (new) Ahmed, Venkatesh, and Suveen (existing) Kishore, Parthib, Shanta, Mark, and Chok Collaborators Dr. Asmatulu (ME), Mr. Metrow (HiPeCC), Dr. Cluff (BioMed) Drs. Neeman (OU), Bergman (JPL), Khan (K-State), Minden (KU) Ms. Cheij (Nvidia), Mr. Ahmed (Wiktronics), Mr. Rahman (M2SYS)
Dr. Zaman5 Introduction (+) Know CAPPLab (+) Resources Workstations (8-core) with GPU cards (2,880-core) Windows and Linux; Special tools Embedded systems (Development boards and IDE suite) FPGA boards and IDE suite WSU HiPeCC access Activities Research – Grant, Dissertation, Thesis, Project, UG Research Teaching – Parallel Programming; Workshop Others – Visit university/Industry; Fun!
Dr. Zaman6 Updates Grants, Research, and Other Activities Grants Proposal submitted: 8 (NSF, DoE, NetApp, Nvidia, VentureWell, and WSU) Awarded: 3 (about $90K) Under preparation: 3+ (NSF, DoE, and WSU) Publications Journal: 1 published; 1 under review, 2+ under preparation Conference: 6 published; 5 under review, 3+ under preparation
Dr. Zaman7 Updates (+) Grants, Research, and Other Activities (+) Students Graduated PhD: 2 working; (1 graduated in 2013) MS Thesis/Project: 3 graduated; 3 working UG Research: 3 working Other Activities University Level: Academic Affairs Committee member (CoE) College Level: Interim Faculty Senator (EECS)
Dr. Zaman8 Research Directions Computing Systems High Performance Computing Big Data!?! Cloud Computing!?! Law Firm Management Medical Practice Management
Dr. Zaman9 Research Directions (+) CAPPLab Computer Architecture Funding is very limited, very competitive Embedded (including FPGA) Systems Funding is very limited, very competitive Parallel Computing Funding is very limited, very competitive Heterogeneous Parallel Concurrent Distributed Systems Sensing, communicating, monitoring, controlling Collaboration among many disciplines Many applications! Many funding opportunities!!
Dr. Zaman10 Funding Opportunities National Science Foundation (NSF) Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability (XPS) Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) U.S. Gov. Agencies Industry Nvidia: Hardware, Research Wiktronics: Test-Platform VentureWell: Student grants, Faculty grants WSU MURPA; URCA; FEWMF Cancer Research
Dr. Zaman11 Fall 2015 Schedule (tentative) Presentation Topics Previous/Current research Some thoughts…
Dr. Zaman12 Open Discussion As may arise
Welcome to Fall 2015 Term Please send your feedback at: Tel: (316) Thank you! Abu Asaduzzaman