Peter Burnhill Director (Phase One) Funders: Aims & Organisation Digital Curation Centre a centre of expertise in data curation and preservation
2 Overview Unifying Themes for the DCC Time for Digital Curation Aims & Objectives Organisation to Succeed Plans & Progress: Beyond Phase One
3 Trusted Repositories of Knowledge The Maori entrusted their knowledge to people, trained to be the repositories,who could: receive information with the utmost accuracy store information with integrity beyond doubt retrieve the information without amendment apply appropriate judgement in the use of the information pass on the information appropriately. Whatarangi Winiata, (2002), Repositories of Röpü Tuku Iho: A Contribution to the Survival of Mäori as a People, Wellington: Library & Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa Annual Conference, November 2002 Special thanks to Professors Derek Law & Seamus Ross
4 = f(data curation & digital preservation) + other concerns data curation [when high current/ongoing interest] –actions to make best use of digital data & results over entire life-cycle –adding value; generating new forms of information, for use digital preservation [for longevity;fall off in interest] –long-run technological/legal accessibility & usability –storage, maintenance & accessibility of information content in digital material over the long-term, for use of interest/relevance to designated community (OAIS concept) digital objects and data, over their life-cycle (records management) for current & future generations of use... What is digital curation...
5 Unifying Themes for the DCC ‘data as evidence’ –for understanding and decision –for one or more designated communities ‘archival responsibility’ –at one or more institutional levels –institutional policies & individuals’ competence –legal compliance & agreement on procedures turn ‘open access’ into ‘continuing access’ turn costs into investment –valuing flow of benefit from re-usable assets
6 Time for Digital Curation problem of the moment 1data curation & data deluge in e-science/research 2longevity of digital heritage & research investment re-examining ‘Communication’ in ICT –Internet and GRID: communication across space with utmost accuracy –Digital Curation: communication across time, with utmost accuracy ensure Content travels despite turbulence of IT –agree strategies & methods for digital preservation
7 Aims & Objectives for the DCC ‘quality improvement in data curation & digital preservation’ initial focus: data as evidence for scholarly conclusions wider remit: scholarly communication & eLearning ‘excellence in research & excellence in service’ working with repositories, rather than being one ‘connecting communities’ via Associates Network –universities & research institutes –scientific data tradition & document tradition –international & cross-sectoral
Organisation to Engage & Collaborate Industry research collaborators standards bodies testbeds & tools communities of practice: users community support & outreach research development co-ordination service definition & delivery management & admin support curation organisations eg DPC Collaborative Associates Network of Data Organisations
9 Organisation to Succeed Phase One leadership over first eight months of funding Community Support & Outreach –Led by Dr Liz Lyon (UKOLN, University of Bath) Service Definition & Delivery –Led by Professor Seamus Ross (HATII [ERPANET], University of Glasgow) Development –Led by Dr David Giaretta (Astronomical Software & Services, CCLRC) Research –Led by Professor Peter Buneman (Informatics, University of Edinburgh) Management & Co-ordination –Director (Phase One): Peter Burnhill with Phase One Project Co-ordinator: Robin Rice (both from EDINA & Data Library, University of Edinburgh) ‘Ex Portfolio’: Malcolm Atkinson (NeSC) & Chris Rusbridge (UofGlasgow)
10 Engage Communities of Practice with those who have responsibility … to invoke/provoke good practices –appraisal & retention/disposal –logical & physical integrity: authenticity/security place research in productive research domains –eg Informatics, Law School, e-Science... work on the ‘R&D’, create services of relevance –achieve ‘virtuous circle’ –turn products of research into tools for use
11 Digital preservation approaches 1. Migration & Refreshment – software & media – while interest (& funding) is active 2. Emulation & Encapsulation – re-creating the IT environment 3. Digital Archaeology & Rescue – urgent action to save key datasets 4. Representation Information – as well as bits – formats and more
12 Communities of Practice: Social Sciences (IASSIST) History of sharing –split in responsibility and authority for data generation & analysis –economy of re-use recognised Data about people –problems of privacy and confidentiality confronted early on Mixed blessing of agreed proprietary formats allows migration –OSIRIS, SPSS, etc. ‘Future-proofing’ - 30 years of data advocacy! –tradition of data archiving & data citation –building new data standards out of common experience data archivists, & data librarians: the new digital curators?
13 Planning & Progress plan for the Long, with 2020 Vision - 15years on large territory, and large expectation –multi-disciplinary, multi data type, multi tradition/profession –national and international, but also local and hidden from view –a lot is going on we acknowledge trust and ££’s for tasks in hand –seek collaboration & identify win-win-win scenarios now, having set the stage Engaging the Users: Outreach & Community Support Ensuring Curation Action: Constructing Effective Services Preparing for the Future: the R&D Programme