1 Presentation of Results NSSE 2005 Florida Gulf Coast University Office of Planning and Institutional Performance
2 What is NSSE? (pronounced “nessie”) Evaluates the extent to which first-year and senior students engage in educational practices associated with high levels of learning and development Supported by grants from Lumina Foundation for Education and the Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts at Wabash College Co-sponsored by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Pew Forum on Undergraduate Learning
3 What Does The College Student Report Cover? Student Behaviors in College Institutional Actions And Requirements Institutional Actions And Requirements Student Reactions to College Student Background Information Student Background Information Student Learning & Development
4 Survey Administration Administered to random sample of first-year & senior students Paper & Web-based survey Flexible to accommodate consortium questions Multiple follow-ups to increase response rates
5 NSSE 2005 Institutions by Carnegie Classification
6 Carnegie Group Comparison with FGCU’s Results In thinking about your undergraduate program as a whole, including your major, have you done a culminating senior experience (e.g., senior comprehensive exam, capstone course, thesis or project)?
7 Quality of Relationships with Faculty Thinking about your overall experience at this institution, how would you rate the quality of relationships with faculty?
8 Quality of Relationships with Admin. Staff Thinking about your overall experience at this institution, how would you rate the quality of relationships with administrative personnel and offices?
9 NSSE 2003 & NSSE 2005 Use of Computers Thinking about your overall experience at this institution, to what extent does the college emphasize using computers in academic work?
10 NSSE 2005 Promising Findings Most students (83%) – 84% of FY and 82 % of SR – would attend FGCU if they could start over again. 86% of FY and 87% of SR say they had a good or excellent educational experience, the same as in 2003.
11 Goal 2. Culturally Diverse Perspective. Understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds FGCU MASTER’S Performance of First Yrs. on items related to FGCU Student Learning goals
12 Goal 4. Effective Communication. Writing clearly and effectively Goal 4. Effective Communication. Speaking clearly and effectively FGCU MASTER’S
13 Goal 5. Ethical Responsibility. Developing a personal code of values and ethics Goal 7. Problem Solving Abilities. Thinking critically and analytically MASTER’S FGCU MASTER’S
14 Goal 8. Technological Literacy. Using computing and information technology Goal 9. Community Awareness and Involvement. Contributing to the welfare of your community FGCU MASTER’S
15 Goal 2. Culturally Diverse Perspective. Understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds FGCU MASTER’S FGCU MASTER’S Performance of Seniors on items related to FGCU Student Learning goals
16 Goal 4. Effective Communication. Writing clearly and effectively Goal 4. Effective Communication. Speaking clearly and effectively FGCU MASTER’S FGCU MASTER’S FGCU MASTER’S FGCU MASTER’S
17 Goal 5. Ethical Responsibility. Developing a personal code of values and ethics Goal 7. Problem Solving Abilities. Thinking critically and analytically FGCU MASTER’S FGCU MASTER’S FGCU MASTER’S FGCU MASTER’S
18 Goal 8. Technological Literacy. Using computing and information technology Goal 9. Community Awareness and Involvement. Contributing to the welfare of your community FGCU MASTER’S FGCU MASTER’S FGCU MASTER’S FGCU MASTER’S
19 Benchmark Comparison
20 Benchmark Comparison
21 Benchmark Comparison
22 Benchmark Comparison
23 Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) 2005 To date more than 54,000 faculty members at 314 four-year institutions The FSSE parallels NSSE's survey of undergraduate students focusing on: Faculty perceptions of how often their students engage in different activities The importance faculty place on various areas of learning and development The nature and frequency of interactions faculty have with students How faculty members organize class time. Results intended as catalyst for discussions about quality of students' educational experience
24 How Does FSSE Inform What We Know about Student Engagement? Nearly three-quarters (72%) of faculty think that FGCU emphasizes ‘using computers in academic work’ very much… while Less than one-half (47%) of first-year students and… Slightly over two-thirds (68%) of seniors actually feel that way
25 Using NSSE at FGCU Adjusting course curricula and faculty teaching practices Retention planning and student satisfaction Identification, development and, marketing of distinctive competencies More extensive peer analysis Strategy – Connect to strategic objectives, promote strengths, target areas for improvement