Mercantile parenting: the circulation of information about children’s literacy and development in commercial spaces Sue Nichols, Helen Nixon & Sophia Rainbird University of South Australia, Australia Jennifer Rowsell, Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, USA Funded by ARC Discovery Grant Rutgers University Development Grant
Our Questions How are resources for early learning produced for and circulated among parents? How are resources spatially located and networked in community, government and commercial spaces? What messages do these resources and practices send? The interactions between all these elements.
Project Elements Ethnographic approach (Bloome and Green, 1998) Geosemiotics (Scollon & Scollon, 2003) Network theory (Law, 1999, 2003) Three sites: 1) small rural community outside of Adelaide, SA 2) larger outer suburb of Adelaide, SA 3) suburban, university town in Princeton, NJ
Research Design Parent survey Interviews with parents and service providers Observation Resource inventory & mapping (Neuman & Celano, 2001) Artefact collection Web-site investigation Observation Opportunistic information gathering
Data analysis: geographic, social and virtual affordances Spatial context – where is this text/display/shop? What kind of space is this? How easy is it to find/reach/see?Spatial context – where is this text/display/shop? What kind of space is this? How easy is it to find/reach/see? Cost – how much time/money/effort does it take to: get to this place/access this resource/take this thing home?Cost – how much time/money/effort does it take to: get to this place/access this resource/take this thing home? Social relations – which people are hailed to read this text/come to this place and which people do?Social relations – which people are hailed to read this text/come to this place and which people do? Mobility – how do information resources move in and out of this space?Mobility – how do information resources move in and out of this space? Networking – what kinds of connections are made between information resources in different spaces and across material and virtual spaces?Networking – what kinds of connections are made between information resources in different spaces and across material and virtual spaces?
Gumtree Plaza, a Westfield mall in NE Adelaide, viewed from library and local council offices- a late 1960s planned separation of civic and commercial suburban spaces.
8 The WFamily Westfield New Jersey USA
Mum’s Tips Kids and Computers I let my kids use the computer to access some very good web sites, such as 'ABC Kids', 'Happy meal', and some colouring website..., even 7,9,10 news. I create links that they can easily get on. Shu-Fen (Mum of 2)
Inside the ABC shop Gumtree Plaza Books, spin-off merchandise from ABC and BBC TV shows, and Reading Eggs literacy materials displayed
What is ABC Reading Eggs? ABC Reading Eggs is a highly innovative program based on the latest research, designed to make learning to read easy and fun by combining books with online reading games and activities. And it works! We’ve had great feedback from thousands of satisfied parents whose children are learning to read. Children love the games, songs, golden eggs and other rewards which, along with reading success, really motivates children to keep learning.
Online ‘ABC branded stores’ for themed merchandise ‘Reggie’ animated welcome Tally of Games Bought – formerly ‘Lessons Completed’ View of RE world with animated avatars
Kmart is located alongside an open-style café where parents can sit and observe their children playing in Playworld, a feature common to Westfield malls worldwide.
ABC books, DVDs & themed clothes in Kmart