Academic Integrity GSAS TA Orientation Fall 2014
What is Academic Dishonesty? “Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, intentional or unintentional dishonesty in academic assignments or in dealing with University officials, including faculty and staff members.” -- SEAS Bulletin
Faculty & TA Responsibility You are required to report all suspected incidents of academic dishonesty ▫ Ensures consistency in findings and sanctioning ▫ Allows monitoring of repeated offenses
Faculty & TA Responsibility
Dean’s Discipline Process What happens? The incident is forwarded to the appropriate judicial office by an instructor or department. The student is notified of the report and attends a hearing conducted by the judicial office. In the event the incident involves students from more than one school, the judicial officers will work together. The student and reporting official are notified of the outcome of the hearing. The student is notified of the sanctions (if any).
Dean’s Discipline Process What are the possible sanctions? Warning A letter is placed in the student file and, if no other incidents occur, is removed upon graduation. This sanction is not indicated on the transcript and is not reported. Probation A letter is placed in the student file and remains there permanently. If the student gives written permission to a person or institution to review the file, the sanction and the violation will be reported. This sanction is not indicated on the transcript. Suspension Dismissal
Dean’s Discipline Process Grading policies The Dean’s Discipline process is separate form the grading of the assignment or course. The instructor determines all grades for the course regardless of the outcome of the hearing.
Prevention of Academic Dishonesty While ultimately it is the student’s responsibility to maintain his/her academic integrity, there are methods that can be employed to help prevent intentional and unintentional cases of academic dishonesty.
Communicate Expectations Place a clear and strong statement regarding academic integrity on your syllabus. Emphasize your expectations regarding academic integrity on the first day of class. Repeat these expectations MANY times throughout the semester. Share personal examples and philosophy regarding academic integrity. If it seems important to you, it will seem important to the students as well. Inform students that all instances of suspected academic dishonesty are reported to the Dean’s Office.
Assignments/Papers Clearly communicate expectations regarding citation styles
Exams Before ▫ Create different versions of the exam Alter order of questions Alter order of answers if using multiple choice Vary questions slightly (but maintain same level of difficulty) ▫ Number each exam and include number on each page of exam ▫ Create a seating chart and post each student’s seat assignment as a grade in Courseworks ▫ Avoid using previous exams and exam questions
Exams During ▫ Require all backpacks, cell phones, books, etc. at the front of the room ▫ Have at least one empty seat between each pair of students if possible ▫ Have multiple proctors walk around the room during the entire exam ▫ Beware – students often collaborate when the proctor’s attention is diverted ▫ Calculators can talk to each other now ▫ “Cheat sheets” can be written on body parts, water bottles, baseball caps – also sometimes stored in the restroom
Exams After ▫ Make photocopies of completed exams Students may try to change responses on graded exams in an attempt to earn back points This is helpful if multiple people are grading the exams Having a backup copy is nice! ▫ Grade exams in order of exam number Students who sit near each other will have exam numbers close to each other as well
Campus Resources Graduate Student Affairs (GSA) Office of Judicial Affairs (OJA) Columbia Libraries University Ombuds Office Faculty Handbook