D5040 Assembly 2010 Risk Management & Crisis Media Management
D5040 Assembly 2010 Dates to Remember District Conference District Conference Prince Rupert -May 13-16, 2010 DGE Installation Dinner DGE Installation Dinner Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts June 26, 2010 District Foundation Dinner District Foundation Dinner – Keynote Speaker RI President Ray Klinginsmith Sept 29, 2010
D5040 Assembly 2010
What type of Rotary events, projects or activities are a risk to your Rotary Club?
D5040 Assembly 2010 Potential Rotary Risk Sexual assault of a youth Slip and fall at Rotary event Food poising at Rotary event Fraud or theft of Rotary funds Kidnapping Accidents – Drunk driving Discrimination or harassment Violence
D5040 Assembly 2010 Why People Take Risks
D5040 Assembly 2010 Rotary Risk Identification What could go wrong? What are the possible causes for things going wrong? If it does go wrong, what could be the consequences?
D5040 Assembly 2010 Dealing with Rotary Risk Identify the risks Identify the risks Analyse the risks Analyse the risks Evaluate the risks Evaluate the risks Manage the risks
D5040 Assembly 2010 Rotary Risk Assessment HIGH HIGH Impact Low Likelihood HIGH HIGH HIGH Impact HIGH Likelihood Low Impact Low Likelihood Low Impact HIGH Likelihood Likelihood of risk occurring Impact of risk occurring Types of Personal Risk Physical risk Emotional risk Financial risk
D5040 Assembly 2010
Top Signs You’re In A Crisis The media are knocking at the door Rumours are afloat News may leak at any time Rotary’s reputation is at stake Lives are threatened Opponents and even some friends are criticizing actions
D5040 Assembly Step Response
D5040 Assembly 2010 When a Crisis Develops Step 1 Convene a crisis media team (YEO officer, DG, PDG, lawyer, Media Professional) Gather all the facts Offer timely internal briefings
D5040 Assembly 2010 When a Crisis Develops Step 2 Identify a Rotary spokesperson Tell clubs/Rotarians not to comment When media calls, refer them to crisis team or the spokesperson Contact RI immediately, if there is a potential for national/international interest
D5040 Assembly 2010 When a Crisis Develops Step 3 Respond to media calls quickly Statement expressing Rotary’s position Honesty state the facts Nothing is “off the record” Monitor media/web activities Don’t speculate When you don’t know the answer, tell the truth, say “I don’t know”
D5040 Assembly 2010 Messages That Work Facts Concern CommitmentAction
D5040 Assembly 2010 Questions to Expect What caused the incident? What is the Rotary policy? Will there be an investigation? What is being done to mitigate the risk? Has this happened before? If so, when?
D5040 Assembly 2010 Spokespeople Limit number of spokespeople Select people with credibility for their audiences Use senior Rotary leader to take accountability
D5040 Assembly 2010 Remember:Actions speak louder than words