PHYSICAL ACTIVITY zELEMENTS OF FITNESS yCARDIORESPIRATORY ENDURANCE xability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to utilize and send fuel and oxygen to the body’s tissues during long periods of moderate-to-vigorous activity yMUSCULAR STRENGTH xamount of force a muscle can exert yMUSCLE ENDURANCE xAbility of the muscle to perform physical tasks over a period of time without becoming fatigued
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY zELEMENTS OF FITNESS yFLEXIBILITY xability to move a body part through a full range of motion yBODY COMPOSITION xRatio of body fat to lean body tissue, including muscle, bone, water and connective tissues such as ligaments, cartilage, and tendons
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY z2 categories of physical activity yAEROBIC EXERCISE xany activity that uses large muscle groups xrhythmic in nature xmaintained continuously for at least 10 minutes 3 times a day OR for minutes 1 time yEXAMPLES xrunning xcycling xswimming xdancing
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY z2 categories of physical activity yANAEROBIC EXERCISE xintense short bursts of activity xmuscles work so hard that they produce energy without using oxygen yEXAMPLES xrunning 100 meter dash xlifting weights
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY zPHYSICAL ACTIVITY PROGRAMS yCHOOSING ACTIVITIES xcost xtime / place xpersonal safety xwhere you live / location xlevel of your health ybecause it focuses on YOUR goals, fitness programs will be unique
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY zBASICS yWARM UP (activity that prepares the muscles for work) yWORKOUT (activity is preformed at its highest peak) yFREQUENCY (# of times a week) yINTENSITY (how hard you work your muscles /cardiorespiratory system) yTIME/DURATION (time of aerobic / anaerobic exercises) yTYPE (choose activities you enjoy) yCOOL DOWN (activity that prepares muscles to return to resting state)
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY zF.I.T.T yF – frequency yI – intensity yT – time/duration yT – type zPROGRAM FACTS ydevote 75-80% of your workout time to aerobic activity and 20-25% to anaerobic activity for maximum health benefits.