Elements of Fitness 1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance- allow body to last during extended exercise Heart, lungs and blood vessels send fuel and Oxygen to tissues runners, swimmers= high level of cardiorespiratory endurance TESTING= Step Test*
Elements of Fitness 2. Muscular Strength- amount of force a muscle can exert Lifting, jumping, pushing TESTING= Broad Jump*
Elements of Fitness 3. Muscle Endurance- ability of muscle to perform physical tasks over a period of time without fatigue Repeated movement over time without becoming tired TESTING= Push Ups*
Elements of Fitness 4. Flexibility-the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion 4. Flexibility Injury prevention ○ Pulled muscles ○ Lower back strains Often neglected Sit and Reach Test*
Elements of Fitness 5. Body Composition- the ratio of body fat to lean body tissue, including muscle, bone, water and connective tissue such as ligaments, cartilage, and tendons 5. Body Composition- Better indicator of healthy body than Body Mass Index (BMI) Handheld body analyzer*
Improving your Fitness There are many different activities that can be done to improve fitness Most fall into two categories Anaerobic, Aerobic
Anaerobic Exercise involves intense short bursts of activity in which the muscles work so hard that they produce energy without using oxygen…ex: 100-meter dash, lifting weights Explanation
Aerobic Exercise any activity that uses large muscle groups, is rhythmic in nature, and can be maintained continuously for at least 10 min..ex: running, cycling, swimming Explanation