Grants to States to Support Oral Health Workforce Activities HRSA Pre-Review Conference Call April 14, 2015 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Health Workforce Division of Medicine and Dentistry
Grants to States to Support Oral Health Workforce Activities Purpose: To support States in developing and implementing innovative programs to address the oral health workforce needs of designated Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas (Dental HPSAs). 2
Innovation Innovation refers to the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods. For example, the applicant should describe what's new or different about how they plan to increase access to oral health services for underserved populations within the state.
Program Requirements All applications MUST be responsive to the Program Requirements listed in the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) and reflected in the review criteria. Applications that are not responsive to these requirements should not be considered for funding. You are encouraged to structure your comments or summary of the applications around these program requirements. All applications have been reviewed by HRSA and deemed eligible for review by the panel.
Funding Restrictions Applicants may request up to $500,000 per year for 3 years. Funds for this program may not be used for new construction, conducting major renovation activities or the acquisition of real property. Award funds may not be used to pay the salary of an individual at a rate in excess of $183,300 (exclusive of fringe). 5
Focus Areas Applicants must choose from one or more of the following six Focus Areas: 1.Integrating oral and primary care medical delivery systems for underserved communities. 2.Programs to support oral health providers practicing in advanced roles specifically designed to improve oral health access in underserved communities. 6
Focus Areas Practice support through teledentistry to improve access for underserved communities. 4.Community-based prevention service programs for underserved populations, such as water fluoridation and dental sealant programs. 7
Focus Area 5 Programs to establish or expand oral health services and facilities in Dental HPSAs, such as the establishment or expansion of community-based dental facilities, free-standing dental clinics, school-linked dental facilities, and mobile or portable dental clinics. 8
Focus Area 6 Grants and low-interest or no-interest loans to help dentists who participate in the Medicaid program to enhance capacity, such as through equipment purchases or the sharing of overhead costs to allow for additional hours of operation. 9
Other Areas of Support Partner with dental training institutions to ensure providers are prepared to practice and lead in the State’s innovative service delivery models. Expand the State dental office to support the proposed grant activities. 10
Review Criteria 1.Purpose and Need: 10 points 2.Response to Program Purpose: 30 points (a) Methodology: 15 points (b) Work Plan: 10 points (c) Resolution of Challenges: 5 points 3.Impact: 30 points (a) Evaluation and Technical Support Capacity: 20 points - All applications must have an objective specific to evaluation. (b) Project Sustainability: 10 points 4.Organizational Information, Resources and Capabilities: 15 points 5.Budget Justification Narrative: 15 points Total = 100 points 11
Budget Justification Narrative Corresponds to Review Criterion #5. Include a narrative justification for each year of requested funding. Include narrative and financial amounts. Include a standard budget form for each year. Costs must be reasonable and necessary. Clearly describe each cost element and explain how each cost contributes to meeting the project’s goals and objectives. 12
Budget Justification Narrative (Cont.) Must summarize any other Federal funding currently being received to conduct activities with an oral health focus and provide a narrative description as to how funding requested through this application is not duplicative of other funding sources. 13
Cost Sharing/Matching Required to contribute a 40% non-federal match. Matching funds must relate directly to project activities. Must include a line-item breakdown and narrative description of all matching funds. Contributions may be provided in the form of cash or in-kind equipment and services. Contributions may come from either state, local or private sources. 14
Attachments 1.Staffing plan and job descriptions for key personnel 2.Biographical sketches of key personnel 3.Letters of Agreement and description(s) of proposed and existing contracts 4.Project Organizational Chart 5.Tables, charts, etc. 6.Indirect Cost Rate Agreement 7.Letters of Support 8.Other relevant documents 15
Questions? 16