QF-EHEA EURODIACONIA 4-5 October 2007 Brussels Dr. Marlies Leegwater Head Benelux Bologna Secretariat
Content of presentation General context Bologna process Why Qualifications frameworks Origin of Shared Descriptors and Overarching Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area General level –Dublin- descriptors Specific descriptors European cooperation
General context Bologna declaration 1999: action lines towards quality higher education by actions in 2010 Bologna Process : 46 countries, European Commission, Council of Europe, UNESCO- CEPES, EUA, EURASHE, ESU, Education International, Business Europe Specific objective: higher education structured in undergraduate – graduate; three cycles: Bachelor – Master - Doctor
Why qualifications frameworks? Transparency of higher education levels for: Students Employers Movement throughout system national - international
Origin shared “Dublin” descriptors NL/FL – NVAO Germany – ZEvA UK- subject benchmark statements Ireland, Spain……. Work in progress All defined as “learning outcomes”
Descriptor: 5 lines on abilities 1.Knowledge 2.Application of knowledge 3.Problem solving 4.Communication 5.Lifelong Learning Since 2005 points of reference in QF-EHEA With ECTS, Learning outcomes descriptions and Diploma Supplement
Bach Dublin descriptors Ma Dr 1st cycle2nd cycle3rd cycle ECTS ECTS
Kopenhagen process 1.Voc-education 2.Ongoing learning lines 3.EQF-LLL 4.Descriptors, terminology 5.EQF-LLL includes QF-EHEA Levels 5,6,7,8 ~ short, first, second, third
Elaboration of descriptors HE 1.Tuning educational structures –EU project various subjects 2.NL 3 Technical Universities 3.Polifonia he in music 4.Eurodiaconia ? !
EU funds for co-operation 1.Institutions in countries 2.Each country - national agency 3.EU-tenders,Socrates/Leonardo regularly 4.Ambitions in co-operation
London Communiqué 2007 Attractiveness/competitiveness of EHEA Continuation of action lines, QF-EHEA Strategy for EHEA in a Global Setting Improving information on EHEA Strengthening cooperation (partnership) Policy dialogue Improving recognition
Bologna work programme Continuous importance -quality assurance : European Standards and Guidelines for QA (ENQA conference 2nd half 2008) -Stocktaking : evaluation of integration of action lines in national legislative framework and institutional practice -Sharing experience, joint development, providing information -Spirit of inter-cultural understanding and respect
Eurodiaconia European cooperation Elaboration of descriptors? Joint co-operation? Shared development? Cross border benchmarking? EU-subsidy?
Contact details Benelux Bologna Secretariat Koning Albert II-laan 15 B-1210 Brussels (Belgium) Tel Fax