Human Anatomy and Physiology Group Practice Section #1
TRUE OR FALSE The navel is inferior to the chin The head is superior to the abdomen The spine is anterior to the breastbone The heart is medial to the arm The arm is lateral to the chest The thigh is distal to the knee The elbow is proximal to the wrist The skin is superficial to the skeletal muscle The lungs are deep to the skin
Answers The navel is inferior to the chin T The head is superior to the abdomen T The spine is anterior to the breastbone F The heart is medial to the arm T The arm is lateral to the chest T The thigh is distal to the knee F The elbow is proximal to the wrist T The skin is superficial to the skeletal muscle T The lungs are deep to the skin T
Relate the following terms: mammary/mentalsuperior/inferior palmar/sternalmedial/lateral carpal/antebrachialproximal/distal umbilical/vertebraldeep/superficial
Answers mammary/mentalsuperior/inferior The mammary is inferior to mental palmar/sternalmedial/lateral The palmar is lateral to sternal carpal/antebrachialproximal/distal The carpal is distal to the antebrachial umbilical/vertebraldeep/superficial The umbilical is superficial to the vertebral
Address the following: Buccal is an anatomical term describing which region? Acromial is the anatomical term describing which region? Brachial is the anatomical term describing which region? The hip would be anatomically be called? The stomach region would anatomically be called? The buttocks region would more correctly be called?
Buccal is an anatomical term describing which region? Cheek Acromial is the anatomical term describing which region? Point of Shoulder Brachial is the anatomical term describing which region? Arm, specifically the upper arm The hip would be anatomically be called? Coxal The stomach region would anatomically be called? Abdominal The buttocks region would more correctly be called? Gluteal
What does the following name tell you? Skip Parietal pericardium Visceral pericardium Parietal peritoneum Visceral peritoneum Parietal pleura Visceral pleura
Name the following: Skip A membrane on the stomach A membrane found lining the thoracic cavity wall A membrane that lines the heart A membrane covering the cavity where the liver sits
Application You are sitting in the doctor’s office and you over hear a conversation. The doctor is telling a patient that pain in the gluteal region is most likely the reason why the person has experienced daily pain in the mental region. What can you conclude about this doctor’s practice?
Answer: This doctor clearly does not know what he is talking about. Pain in the gluteal (buttocks region) would not be causing pain in the chin (mental region)
You are sitting in a doctor’s office and you hear a conversation. The doctor is telling the patient that he does not specialize in the otic region and that his patient should go have that region checked out. You immediately help the poor patient out by telling him which type of doctor to go see.
Ear Nose and Throat Doctor (Diseases of the ear. Otic = Ear Otolaryngologist (Special Bonus: To have for the test if you tell me the formal name of an ENT doctor.) Ear Doctor for Auditory/Hearing problems Audiologist
An unsuspecting weight lifter claims that by lifting a barbell he can work his crural region. Please advise this young lad as to what he should be actually doing.
Leg Presses, running, jumping jacks, jump rope, anything to exercise the lower legs.
Cranial Thoracic Ventral Abdominal Abdominal pelvic Dorsal Vertebral Pelvic